22 Ways I’m Going To Be A Better Person Next Year

Morgan Sessions
Morgan Sessions

Instead of setting resolutions about becoming healthier and going to the gym more, I’m taking lessons I have learned in 2016 and setting myself goals to be an even better version of myself in 2017.

1. Next year I’m going take risks and do the things I fear most

2. Next year I’m going to forgive myself for mistakes I’ve made

3. Next year I am going to stand up for myself and my happiness

4. Next year I’m going to say how I feel and not feel bad about it

5. Next year I’m going to look people in the eyes and tell them I care – because that is what life should be about

6. Next year I’m going to learn to walk away when I really need to

7. Next year I’m going to open up to people. Because being vulnerable isn’t a weakness, it’s human

8. Next year I’m going to stop doing anything I don’t love and focus on the goals I want to achieve

9. Next year I am going to cry and learn how to pick myself up

10. Next year I am going to be strong when I’m on the verge of falling apart

11. Next year I’m going to learn to love myself

12. Next year I’m not going to be so hard on myself – you are your own worst critic

13. Next year I am going to let go of people who drain my energy

14. Next year I am going to meet new people who make a positive impact in my life

15. Next year I’m going to continue believing in people, but most of all, I am going to believe in myself

16. Next year I am going to let go of controlling every little thing in my life and just see where my journey takes me

17. Next year I’m going to work harder than ever

18. Next year I am going to focus more on taking care of my mind and body

19. Next year I am going to put down my phone and read even more books

20. Next year I’m going to give less of a f*ck about what people think of me

21. Next year I’m going to smile at strangers more

22. Next year I’m going to become an even better version of myself.  Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Nimita Bhatt

Est 1989. Coffee drinker, nap taker, big dreamer, people believer.

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