14 Women Share What They Notice About A Man When They Sleep With Him For The Very First Time
"His odor, and I mean like all kinds of odor, especially the kinds that come from below his waist. If his junk stinks, I'm not going to enjoy myself."

1. “Whether or not he asks to use a condom. If I have to ask him, I’m always disappointed. Either he’s assuming I’m on birth control, or he just doesn’t care. Both are turn offs.” —Danielle, 25
2. “Isn’t it obvious? The size of his package. If he’s got a giant eggplant down there you’re instantly terrified, and if he’s got a little cocktail wiener you’re like, ‘well how’s this going to work?'” —Hailey, 24
3. “I always notice the way he gets undressed. Some guys are so sexy about it you feel like you’re watching a rom com in slow motion, and then some guys remove their clothing so quickly it’s like you turn around and they’re magically naked.” —Desiree, 26
4. “I take notice to how rough he is. If he’s super rough with me the first time we’re sleeping together I almost see it as a red flag. If you’re throwing me around when you barely know me, what are you going to do with me when you’re actually comfortable? I don’t think I want to know the answer to that question.” —Madison, 25
5. “I notice his belly. Obviously if he has a six pack I’ll be pleasantly surprised, but I actually love it when he has a little pooch. I think it’s cute, and almost endearing, like he’s more relatable that way.” —Kelly, 24
6. “Nipple hair. One guy I slept with had literally no chest hair, and yet his nipples looked like little hamsters. I don’t know if he just shaved his chest and forgot his nipples, but it was one of the weirder things I’ve ever seen on a guy. I don’t mind a hairy chest, but when there’s hair conveniently growing from only your nips, it’s weird.” —Nadia, 23
7. “His feet. If they’re dry, I’ll occasionally feel the rough flakiness rub up against my leg and it’s not a good time. All men should get pedicures. Seriously.” —Shayna, 25
8. “I love a good butt. First time I sleep with a guy his butt is always the first thing I look at, probably why I slept with a bunch of baseball players in college.” —Cate, 24
9. “I notice what parts of my body he’s willing to put in his mouth. The more the better. Unless it’s my toes. I don’t like toe suckers, that’s just too much.” —Julie, 26
10. “I usually notice weird freckles. I think it’s so cute when they have little beauty marks everywhere.” —Alexis, 23
11. “His odor, and I mean like all kinds of odor, especially the kinds that come from below his waist. If his junk stinks, I’m not going to enjoy myself. There’s no way your smelly balls are going to get me wet or anywhere close to an orgasm.” —Janelle, 24
12. “His underwear. I wish men could have sex in their underwear. I’m so much more turned on by him in briefs than I am when he’s naked. Unless he’s in tighty whities, in which case I’d rather him be naked.” —Hope, 25
13. “Definitely his pubes. If he’s au naturale I’m wondering why, and if he’s more groomed than I am, I’m also wondering why. I like a happy medium.” —Laura, 26
14. “First thing I notice are the noises he makes, or the words he’s saying if he’s talking. If a guy is moaning like a woman, I start to wonder if I sound as dumb as he does.” —Rachelle, 25