15 Men Talk About Rebounds After A Long-Term Relationship

An almost couple
Unsplash / Chelsea Ferenando

2. “She dumped me. She was the first girl I ever fell in love with. My friends tried to bring me out and get me ‘laid,’ but the last thing I wanted was to be around a woman. Any woman reminded me of her, and if she didn’t remind me of her she made me think of her. I decided it was best to just have some me time, so I went to my usual spot by myself and sat at the bar alone. I vented to the bartender (who knows me pretty well there) and he said he’d buy my drinks for the night. I guess I took advantage of that and had one too many, because all I remember was he took me back to his place, and tried to kiss me, no lie! I told him it was a GIRL who dumped me, and he said he knew. I’m all for open sexuality, but when it comes to myself I am only into the V, not the P. My rebound was almost a dude, but hey I give him props for trying.” —Drew, 26


Writer based in the Philadelphia area. Person who really loves her dog and watching cooking shows. Check out my writing on Thought Catalog and follow me on Facebook! Connect with me and submit your work on Collective World.

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