This 2019, Turn Your Pain Into Power

There is wisdom in wounds, opportunities in obstacles, and strength in scars.


Noah Kalina

There is triumph in tragedy, wisdom in waiting, and purpose in the pain. I can’t promise that you will be protected from the sorrow you have yet to face, but I can promise that there will be the ones who will stand by your side through it all. You are going to have a great life, but not one without turbulence. It’s okay to have bad days, because they will make your good days feel twice as better. It’s okay to be disappointed, because it will make you appreciate more than you know, and it’s okay to be feel sad, for a day or for awhile, because through it you will stumble upon the true meaning to happiness.

This took me a long time to learn. I used to run away from everything that hurt. I used to ignore it, avoid it, and pretend everything was okay, even when it wasn’t. It inevitably led to my uncontrollable temper that caused me to hurt a lot of people- especially the ones I loved, my deepest insecurities that are taking a while to heal from, and my sometimes defeated spirit that only thinks of the worst once triggered.

I didn’t have the greatest childhood as I was constantly picked on for my weight, it definitely has had some mental side effects on my adult life. I was merely close to having an eating disorder because of it. It took me eighteen years to finally see an ounce of beauty in me. I honestly did not know how I survived all those years of my lowest self-esteem. I guess I’ve always had a spark of positivity, even through the darkest of days. A spark of hope that kept me going, even through the moments of utter difficulty, a hint of determination that got me through the very worst of times, and a good amount of faith constantly telling myself that nothing in this world could last forever, because I wouldn’t allow it to.

If anything like this ever happens to you, I need you to be strong. I need you to fight for your peace of mind. I need you to survive and thrive in the pieces of positivity someone will always be there to remind you of.

There is immense power in looking at the bright side. To be positive is to believe in yourself, you’re telling yourself that you can and will survive this because you’ve either already gone through it, or you have a lot of faith in yourself to see it through. Positive thinking has a bigger influence than you think. You may come to believe that this world is addicted to the pain and struggle life constantly comes with but at the end of the day, we all just need something to look forward to.

There is wisdom in wounds, opportunities in obstacles, and strength in scars. All of us have had our fair share of our own inner demons and we are still working through them to this day. I want you to know that it’s okay to make mistakes. I actually encourage you to make as much as you can, because it means you’re trying. It means you’re learning and living. It’s okay to be vulnerable because there is strength in admitting your faults. You are perfectly imperfect, beautiful inside and out, and your voice will always matter in more ways you can imagine.

This 2019, I hope you learn to let go of everything that’s broken your heart, the stresses of uncertainty upon your life, and the fear that you are not living the life you’ve imagined.

I hope you find a love beyond your desires, and a life surpassing your expectations; I hope you turn your pain into power. Thought Catalog Logo Mark