27 Hilariously Honest Titles For Popular Books
Have you ever wondered what your favorite books would be called if they were being honest? In the name of truth in advertising, I put together a list of 27 books, some classics and others modern bestsellers, retitled with more appropriate names.
Have your own suggestions for future entries? Tweet your suggestions to me @Nico_Lang.
1. The Great Gatsby
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, As Told By a Total Dick

2. The “A Song of Ice and Fire” Series
Everyone You Love Will Die

3. Huck Finn
Racist Kids Say the Darndest Things

4. Animal Farm
Babe: Pig in the Dystopia

5. The Fountainhead
Capitalism and Architecture Make Ayn Rand Down to Fuck

6. The Da Vinci Code
Art History for Dummies

7. Ethan Frome
Nothing Happens But You’ll Have to Read It in AP English Anyway

8. Tropic of Cancer
Everyone Wants to Fuck Henry Miller

10. Where the Red Fern Grows
Your Childhood is Over

11. The Scarlet Letter
She’s Not a Whore, She’s My Martyr

12. The Odyssey
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Gods

13. A Separate Peace
Love (and Hate) in the Time of Homosexual Subtext

14. Carrie
It Gets Better (After Everyone Around You Dies)

15. Brief Interviews with Hideous Men
All These Dudes Have Mommy Issues

16. Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Porn Is Okay If You’re Reading It in School

17. Catcher in the Rye
#FirstWorldProblems Before It Was Trendy

18. The Sun Also Rises
Jews, Amiright?

19. Ulysses
James Joyce Gets Off (on Reading His Own Words)

20. Cyrano de Bergerac
Catfish: The Book

21. Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Prettiest Woman

22. Gone Girl
See? Your Parents’ Marriage Wasn’t So Bad

23. Through the Looking Glass
Acid Trips…for the Whole Family!

24. The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Hipsters Don’t Know What David Bowie Is

25. Crime and Punishment
Superman (It’s Not Easy)

26. The Notebook
All Great Love Stories End in Untreatable Illnesses

27. Mary Poppins
If a Strange Homeless Woman Claiming to Have Magic Powers Comes to Your Door, Put Her in Charge of Your Children