33 Amazing ‘Pitch Perfect’ Quotes That Will Make Your Day Instantly Better
If the internet is to be believed, Pitch Perfect is the new Mean Girls. Of course, there can only be one, and nobody does it better than Tina Fey, but you can see why Pitch Perfect has gotten the cred. It’s a fitting heir to the throne, with sharp characters and witty, endlessly quotable dialogue.
As a tribute to the movie, these are 33 of the best lines from Pitch Perfect, in no particular order. Most of them will be from Fat Amy. They really all could be from Fat Amy.
Fat Amy: I’m gonna kill him! I’m gonna finish him like a cheesecake!
Aubrey: What’s your name?
Fat Amy: Fat Amy.
Aubrey: You call yourself Fat Amy?
Fat Amy: Yeah, so twig bitches like you don’t do it behind my back.
Aubrey: I know you have a toner for Jesse.
Beca: A what?
Aubrey: A toner. A musical boner. I saw it on Hood Night. It’s distracting.
Beca: Yeah, that’s not a thing, and you’re not the boss of me.
Fat Amy: Even though some of you are pretty thin, you all have fat hearts, and that’s what matters.
Aubrey: As you can see, Kori is not here. Last night, she was Treble-boned. She has been disinvited from the Bellas.
Beca: That oath was serious?
Aubrey: Dixie Chicks serious!

Aubrey: We will practice, and I trust you will add your own cardio.
Beca: Why cardio?
Fat Amy: Yeah, no. Don’t put me down for cardio.
Gail: Nothing makes a woman feel more like a girl than a man who sings like a boy.
Fat Amy: I can sing, but I’m also good at modern dance, olden dance, and mermaid dancing which is a little different. You usually start on the ground.
Aubrey: Ooh.
Fat Amy: It’s a lot of floor work.
Aubrey: I see that.
Fat Amy: A cappella with sock puppets? Genius!
Lilly: I set fires to feel joy.
Donald: That’s adorable.

Jesse: So what do you want to watch first?
Beca: Wanna do something else? We could re-live my parents’ divorce. Or visit a gynecologist.
Cynthia Rose: I have a confession to make.
Fat Amy: We all know where this is going. Lesbi-honest.
Cynthia Rose: This is hard for me to admit to you guys, but for the past two years, I have had a serious gambling problem.
Fat Amy: What?
Beca: What?
Cynthia Rose: It all started when I broke up with my girlfriend.
Fat Amy: Whomp, there it is!
Aubrey: We shall begin by drinking the blood of the sisters that came before you.
Beca: Dude, no.
Chloe: Don’t worry, it’s Boone’s Farm.
Aubrey: What the hell?
Fat Amy: It’s pretty cool, actually… I think we’re just running out of gas.
Aubrey: No, that can’t be! You just filled the tank!
Fat Amy: Yeah, I did! And yet, maybe I didn’t, because I got hit by flying Mexican food.
Beca: Tell me, what does Judd Nelson eat for breakfast?
Jesse: Oh, well, like all misunderstood rebels, he feeds on hypocrisy.
Beca: Sure.
Jesse: And black coffee, to help with his morning dumps.

Jewish Student: Shalom.
Fat Amy: That’s not a real word, but keep trying. You will get there.
Jesse: You’re one of the a cappella girls. I’m one of those a cappella boys, and we’re gonna have aca-children. It’s inevitable.
Beca: You’re really drunk right now. I don’t think you’re gonna remember any of this.
Jesse: No, I’m not drunk at all. You’re just blurry.
Gail: The Barden Bellas went deep into the archive for that song, John. I remember singing it with my own a cappella group.
John: And what group was that, Gail?
Gail: The Minstrel Cycles, John.
John: Well, that’s an unfortunate name.
Fat Amy: I’ve wrestled crocodiles and dingoes simultaneously.
Aubrey: The Trebles don’t respect us, and if we let them penetrate us, we are giving them our power.
Fat Amy: Not a good enough reason to use the word ‘penetrate.’

Gail: Whoo, that little peanut can sing!
John: He really can. It sounds to me, though, Gail, like his boys haven’t dropped yet, if you know what I mean.
Gail: If you mean his testicles, then I do, John. I do. I really do.
Fat Amy: I’m just gonna pump and dump.
Jesse: So, what’s your deal? Are you one of those girls who’s all dark and mysterious, then she takes off her glasses and that amazingly scary ear spike and you realize that, you know, she was beautiful the whole time?
Beca: I don’t wear glasses.
Jesse: Then you’re halfway there.
Beca: You have a little something behind your ear.
Fat Amy: Leave it. It fuels my hate fire.
Jesse: Hey Hilary Swank from Million Dollar Baby.
Beca: Hey, you could just say ‘Hey, Million Dollar Baby.’ You don’t have to reference the specific actress.
Jesse: Damn. Prison changed you.

Chloe: So, are you interested?
Beca: Sorry, it’s just…it’s pretty lame.
Aubrey: A-ca-scuse me? Synchronized lady dancing to a Mariah Carey chart-topper is not lame!
Fat Amy: Well, at least it’s not herpes. Or do you have that as well?
Fat Amy: [out of breath and panting] I should have taken that cardio tip more seriously.
Aubrey: How much have you done?
Fat Amy: You just saw it.
Chloe: Because I have Nodes.
Fat Amy: Chloe, don’t worry, it’s just God punishing you ’cause you’re a ginger.
Bumper: I have a feeling we should kiss. Is that a good feeling or an incorrect feeling?
Fat Amy: Well, sometimes I have the feeling I can do crystal meth, but then I think, ‘Mmm, better not.’

Fat Amy: The kraken has been unleashed! Feel the Fat Amy force!
Aubrey: What are you doing?
Fat Amy: Horizontal running.
Fat Amy: Crushed it.