This Is Why She Walked Away (Even Though She Wanted To Be Yours)
She walked away because she realized she could no longer keep investing in potential that would never see itself through.
She walked away because she was absolutely exhausted.
She was exhausted from trying to decode your mixed signals, she was exhausted from carrying the relationship on her back, and she was exhausted from crying herself to sleep almost every single night over you.
She walked way because you were hardly even giving her the bare minimum. She walked away because she wanted more from you and you refused to try and give it. She walked away because she didn’t want a love that hurt her heart so damn much.
She walked away because you didn’t show you cared. She walked away because you always kept her guessing about what version of you she was going to get on a given day. She walked away because she was over the games, the indecision, and the inconsistency.
She walked away because she didn’t think you actually gave a shit about her. She walked away because she had nothing left to give you or the relationship. She walked away because she was spent. She walked away because she was over it. Over you.
She walked away because, even though she saw so much potential in you, she also understood that she was merely in love with an idea and not who you actually were. She walked away because she realized she could no longer keep investing in potential that would never see itself through.
She walked away because she knows she deserves better. She walked away so she can find it. Because she knows it’s never going to be you.