One-Sentence Reminders Every Single Woman Needs To Hear Before Valentine’s Day
You don't need to get married, have kids, or be in a relationship in order to be a complete person.
- You are exactly where you are meant to be and you are not behind.
- You don’t owe anyone an explanation as to why you’re “still” single.
- Your relationship status is one of the least interesting things about you.
- People might judge or draw the wrong conclusions; let them.
- It is okay to love being single.
- It is okay to hate being single, too.
- Your time is as valuable as anyone else’s.
- You are not defined by those who didn’t love you.
- When you do find a relationship, you will probably miss this time of your life.
- You are only committed to yourself right now; embrace it.
- Forget if a date likes you; do you like them?
- You don’t need to get married, have kids, or be in a relationship in order to be a complete person.
- Dating sucks, you don’t.
- You deserve more than the bare minimum.
- You can be a strong woman and still want love, these ideas are not mutually exclusive.
- Independence looks absolutely beautiful on you.
- If you date, date intentionally.
- Don’t put up with disrespect.
- You are worthy.
- Remember that you are whole on your own.