Arina Krasnikova

7 Green Flags That Show He’s Serious About The Relationship (Even If You Just Started Dating)

He makes it clear you're a priority to him. He goes out of his way if and when you need him.


You just became official with the guy you’ve been seeing for a few months. While you’re totally excited you two are finally together with actual labels, you still want to make sure he’s in it for the long run. You want to know he’s truly serious about you and not just stringing you along because it’s convenient for him for the time being. You want your forever person, not another boyfriend you date for three months before calling it quits.

Here are seven green flags that show he’s serious about your relationship (even if you just started dating).

1. Your relationship isn’t just about sex.

You have incredible chemistry and the sex is amazing, but those aren’t the only things your relationship relies on. For you two, intimacy extends beyond the bedroom. You feel safe with him. You share your innermost thoughts. He’s the first person you want to call with good news and bad news and all the in-between news, and you’re this person for him as well. Essentially, you’re one another’s best friends. It’s wonderful.

2. He makes a sincere effort to get to know your friends.

If he makes a genuine effort to get to know and be friendly with your BFFs, this is a massive green flag because it shows he wants to make a good impression. After all, he understands that your friends are your life. He wants them to like him because he knows their opinions matter to you. Mostly, though, he gets that your best friends are deeply important to you, so they are also deeply important to him. If he wasn’t serious about you, he wouldn’t care what the people closest to you think.

3. He talks about the future as if you’ll be in it.

For example, he talks about summer plans during the wintertime. Or he discusses what he wants out of life and considers how these things will affect you (i.e. moving to a new city, taking a different job, etc.) This shows that he sees you in his life long-term.

4. He actually prioritizes you.

He makes it clear you’re a priority to him. He goes out of his way if and when you need him. Your relationship is not one-sided at all. He doesn’t treat you like a convenience or a chore. He actively chooses you. He always puts you first, even when it’s not necessarily easy. It doesn’t matter to him, though; you’re worth it.

5. He goes beyond the bare minimum (without you having to ask).

He doesn’t make you beg for the bare minimum. He doesn’t make you beg for anything at all. He gives you exactly what you need. He also asks what you need, too. He pays attention to the little details. He is all about putting in the extra effort. Because he understands that going beyond the bare minimum is part of what makes a relationship both blossom and last.

6. He matches your energy.

You both always seem to be on the same wavelength. In other words, he matches your energy and you match his energy as well. Matching energy is a definite green flag because it shows he’s paying attention. He’s picking up what you’re putting down and is totally digging it. He is in the moment with you.

7. He was upfront from the very beginning about what he wanted.

And finally, he never led you astray about what it is he was looking for. When you went on your first date, he said he was wanted to get serious with someone. He didn’t say something along the lines of, “I just wanna go with the flow and see what happens.” He said he wanted a relationship and then continued to pursue you. Then he locked it down. This is the biggest green flag of them all.