You Deserve More Than A Maybe Man
The tricky thing about the Maybe Man is that you get glimpses of romance, of the real thing, which is why you stay.
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but I know it’s someone:
You deserve more than a Maybe Man.
If you’re unsure if you’re involved with a Maybe Man, know he is incredibly easy to identify. The Maybe Man is the type of guy who always leaves you hanging. He takes forever to reply to texts, to confirm plans, to show up. He’s charming but elusive and always has an excuse for why he falls short or disappears when you need him most. The Maybe Man makes decisions based on his own wants and needs only and everything is on his terms.
The tricky thing about the Maybe Man is that you get glimpses of romance, of the real thing, which is why you stay. It’s why you hope he’ll become the man you are looking for one day. Because, occasionally, he shows up as him. But you never know which version of him you’re going to get.
But the biggest sign you’re messing with a Maybe Man is if he has an inability to be exclusive and give you an answer about the direction you both are headed in. Because the Maybe Man doesn’t commit. He delays. He tells you he doesn’t know what he wants but is enjoying where the “two of you are at right now.”
Here’s the thing about a Maybe Man: His allure is entirely in his potential, not who he actually is. He is an idea, a possibility. But mostly, he is a waste of your time and heart.
While “Maybe” may sound like potential, it is not. It is a warning. It is a full sentence. It means no.
You deserve more than a Maybe Man. You deserve better than someone who can’t decide. Indecision is a decision. And if he can’t make up his mind, remember that you can always make up yours. Walk away because you are not an option. You are the choice.