20 Movies That Will Actually Change Your Life, According To Reddit
"Unironically, CLICK. Made me enjoy the slow boring parts of life and not wish away time. Also made me appreciate my parents and how I treated them."
Here are 20 movies that will actually change your life, according to Reddit.
1. Yes Man
“Yes Man. I was very lonely and depressed in my early 20s. Because of the movie I decided to take control of my life and start saying yes to things in an attempt to make friends. First thing I said yes to was going to a party, met my future husband there.”–Claidissa
2. Office Space
“Office Space.
That movie really solidified that I don’t have to give a shit. I have been so much happier in my life after watching that movie. I don’t worry much anymore. It’s pretty great. And a good movie too.”–Stahl_Scharnhorst
3. Click
“Unironically, CLICK. Made me enjoy the slow boring parts of life and not wish away time. Also made me appreciate my parents and how I treated them.”–centisquid
4. Titanic
“For me, there was a part in Titanic, where the ship was sinking, and there was an old couple laying on the bed, cuddled up together, waiting to die. I decided to leave my loveless and abusive marriage not long after seeing that.”–purl__clutcher
5. The Matrix
“The Matrix helped me to get out of a cult. I was brainwashed to be terrified of the stupidest things. Even when I knew it was fake, I was still terrified. Had to constantly remind myself that it’s fake, it can’t hurt me.”–iabyajyiv
6. Interstellar
“I was watching Interstellar a lot around a period of my [life] when I had to make some serious career decisions about the type of training I was willing to go through. Watching people go hard for things they believed in was really inspirational for me; decided to take the harder path in my own career. Surgeon now.”–midnightmoose
7. It’s A Wonderful Life
“It’s a wonderful life (1946). I was in a pretty dark place where I felt no one cared about me and I was really depressed and lonely. That movie changed my perspective on life.”–TheReaderDude_97
8. American Beauty
“I went to see American Beauty when it was released in theaters. 2 months later, oddly inspired by the movie, I walked out of my miserable, failing marriage. Got divorced, took up running, got myself happy.”
9. 500 Days of Summer
“500 days of summer
Just changed the way I look at relationships. I liked how the movie didn’t really stick to any trope and was all over the place, just like most relationships.”–sonanona
10. Inside Out
“Inside Out , yes the kids movie, changed the way I parent and think about life completely.”–Heddathehippie
11. Lord of the Rings
“Lord of the Rings trilogy after I survived leukemia. I’ll just say that I related to Frodo on a much more personal level. Several moments in those movies make me really emotional.”–Canehdian-Behcon
12. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty . Shows that you can’t be a spectator in your life.”–OddAstronaut2305
13. Fight Club
“A lot of people, including me, had their lives changed by Fight Club. The first proper critique of modern consumerist materialism that most people had ever encountered in a mainstream media product.
A lot of people took the wrong message from it, but regardless of which way it sent you politically, it was a big moment for many of us.
I think Trainspotting had a similar effect on some people. Choose Life and all that.”–night_dude
14. Grave Of The Fireflies
“Grave of the Fireflies . Gave me a deeper understanding of how I was letting pride hold me back.”–Substantial-Falcon-8
15. Almost Famous
“Almost Famous made me finally make up my mind and quit my job, sell car, and move abroad to the US.”–callmemacready
16. The Royal Tenenbaums
“The royal tenenbaums. The way it depicts utter family dysfunction and personal struggles in an unflinching way while modeling how to hold people accountable while still loving and supporting them, really resonated with me and changed how I thought about my own family relationships. Also, it’s just a damn good movie.”–ManchuriaCandid
17. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
“Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind – I feel like I was a lot like Clementine; when life got too hard or uncomfortable I would just cut and run. So I’ve stayed. And I’ve learned a lot about myself.”–EuniceBKidden
18. Cake
Cake, Jennifer Aniston. I have chronic pain, and this movie I believe changed the course for me my life in living with it. So awesome!
19. Perks of Being a Wallflower
“Perks of Being a Wallflower convinced me to get actual professional help.”–connorramierez
20. Jurrasic Park
“Jurassic Park, it got me wanting to really do 3D computer art, year and a half later I had a job in the game industry doing 3D cinematic art, still doing games today.”–doilikeyou