7 Of The Best Movies To Watch After A Breakup, According To Reddit
Whether you need to cry your eyes out, be distracted by a good laugh, or maybe a bit of both, Reddit has you covered if you’re going through a gnarly breakup. Here are seven of the best movies to watch after a breakup, according to Reddit.
1. Forgetting Sarah Marshall

forgetting sarah marshall. never fails i promise you.–MichaelRoco1
2. The Edge of Seventeen

Edge of Seventeen is my comfort film! So stinking amazing.–vaporlux
3. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

Feel like this one and Eternal Sunshine are two sides of the same coin. One gets you to miss the good stuff in what you thought was a bad relationship and the other gets you to admit the bad things about what you thought was a perfect relationship. Both are simultaneously heartbreaking, but hopeful. –lemurgetsatreat
4. About Time

About time” works for me if I need to cry or feel good.–GoodElk7766
5. Someone Great

There’s a movie on Netflix called someone great. It’s the woman who got dumped but I feel like it’s a good breakup movie no matter what.–mooplesyrup1
6. Celeste & Jesse Forever

There’s a movie with Andy Samberg and Rashida Jones called Celeste and Jesse Forever and it’s sort of an anti-rom com? I felt it was a realistic break up movie and where nothing crazy happens people just drift apart and move on and work on themselves and move up in life. I saw it after a breakup not knowing what it was about and felt better about my situation.–FFS-For-FoxBats-Sake
7. High Fidelity

High Fidelity. That’s the one, seriously. It provides such deep insight on break ups and perspectives in relationships and it does so in a way that in hilarious and unique. Highly recommend to anyone.–boodabomb