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10 Movies So Sad You Can Only Watch Them Once, According To Reddit

"'My Dog Skip' made me cry so much I could barely make it out of the theater."


Some movies are just so damn sad, you can’t watch them ever again. Here are 10 movies so utterly devastating you can only watch them once, according to Reddit.

1. Schindler’s List

“Schindlers List – saw in a cinema and you could have heard a pin drop as the audience walked out SLOWLY and ORDERLY at the end. Completely traumatized. I’m glad this movie was made and that I saw it. I don’t want to watch it again.”–Mawhrin-Skel1

2. Life Is Beautiful

“Life is Beautiful!  So sad, never wanted to watch it again.”–Available-Button6795

3. Terms of Endearment

“The most famous, most award-winning, tearjerker of all time is…Terms of Endearment (1983). It WILL leave you crying. It won Oscars for best picture, director, screenplay, actress, and supporting actor, one of the few films EVER to win 5 of the top 7 awards.”–Odif12321

4. Hachi: A Dog’s Tale

“Hachi: A Dog’s Tale with Richard Gere. I’m a cat person but this made me cry for a half hour straight.”–LisaChimes

5. The Boy In Striped Pajamas

“Boy in the striped pajamas ruined me oof.”–tryanloveoneanother

6. The Pianist

“I sobbed for 30 minutes after the Pianist.”–Icy_Tiger_3298

7. Steel Magnolias

“Well, Steel Magnolias was both hysterically funny and devastatingly sad. An excellent movie.”–Leesiecat

8. My Dog Skip

“My dog Skip made me cry so much I could barely make it out of the theater.”–walkawaysux

9. Brokeback Mountain

“As a gay man, born when homosexuality was still illegal in my country, Brokeback Mountain absolutely destroyed me. It took me a good month to feel love for the world again. 20 years later it still has left an imprint on my psyche. I know so many stories of homophobia and such from my own experience, but that film I think showed a wider audience of the hatred that my people contend with on a day to day basis. I have never watched it again as I don’t ever need to feel that broken.”–EastOfArcheron

10. What Dreams May Come

“What Dreams May Come was mine. Crawled into bed with Kleenex’s and couldn’t stop crying.”–Upscale_Foot_Fetish