An Incomplete List Of Relationship Goals
- Holding hands in old age.
- Holding the door.
- Holding space.
- Letting them know they pissed you off so you can resolve the issue together.
- Spending time apart.
- Celebrating little wins even though it’s a Tuesday evening.
- Play. Honesty.
- Humor.
- Fighting right, not fighting to be right.
- Admitting mistakes.
- Offering your last fry.
- Offering a piece of your heart.
- Offering a hand with the dinner dishes.
- Gentle wake-ups on Sunday mornings.
- 2 AM laughing fits.
- Being best friends.
- Speaking up.
- Showing up.
- Growing up.
- Shared values.
- Just letting some shit go.
- Singing terribly in the car.
- Gratitude that you exist at the same time as them.
- Compassion.
- Commitment.
- Care.
- Surprise love notes left on the windshield.
- Taking candid photos of them during the moments you love them most.
- Hope.
- Healthy boundaries.
- Random hugs.
- Not expecting them to read your mind.
- Not trying to read their mind either.
- Deep conversation.
- Genuine connection.
- Tender disagreements.
- Seeing them as an imperfect person you feel lucky you took a chance on loving.
- Knowing they can’t give you the moon and the stars.
- Not caring about those things because all you really want in this life is them.