25 Underrated Green Flags We Need To Value More
- The person who apologizes without being prompted to do so.
- People who don’t pretend to know more than they do, who ask questions without giving in to the fear of looking “stupid.”
- Someone who can answer the “stupid” questions without being condescending about it.
- Friends who understand that honesty doesn’t need to be delivered brutally in order to be effective.
- Gentle hearts.
- Enthusiastic humbleness.
- Hand-talkers.
- Easy listeners.
- Someone who does the right thing quietly.
- Folks who give compliments freely, whenever they see an opportunity to.
- Anyone who can teach you something new.
- Jokers who get that they can be funny without being mean.
- The gratefully observant.
- The pal who lets you know when you screwed up without shaming you in the process.
- The date who holds the door (all genders applicable here).
- The boss who treats you like a fellow human.
- The coworker who is always offering a helping hand.
- The stranger at the grocery store who smiles at whomever they happen to make eye contact with.
- Moms who don’t pressure you to be perfect.
- Dads who make an effort to know you.
- Someone who talks to kids with interest, respect, and curiosity, who remembers what it was like to be small and scared and not taken seriously.
- Friends who stay later to help you clean up after you host.
- The new acquaintance who asks, “What can I bring?”
- The person who sends you music they find they think you’d love.
- Anyone who feels safe, who makes you realize you’re not in this life alone.