17 Movies That Will Absolutely Break Your Heart, According To Reddit
Here are 17 movies that will absolutely break your heart, according to Reddit.
1. The Iron Claw
Most recently it would be The Iron Claw. That closing scene had me in shambles. I held my composure walking out of the theater but I lost it when I got to my car.–MyCatsNameIsKlaus
2. The Boy In Striped Pajamas
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, but that’s almost too sad. It’s an important message, but I won’t watch it again, personally. But if you want your heart broken, this will do the trick.–Frosty-Diver441
3. Click
Strangely it was an Adam Sandler film called click. It was not what I was expecting at all, an by the end I was in tears!!–ParkingTradition799
4. Hotel Rwanda
Hotel Rwanda forever altered my brain chemistry. I probably wasn’t even 20 when I watched it , and was so astonished I turned around and watched it again the next day. I could probably never watch it again but I’ll never forget it. Don Cheadle is a masterpiece.–Blackberryy
5. Requiem for a Dream
Honestly, and not a lot will agree but Requiem For a Dream.. and that sadness is for all the characters.–gargamels_right_boot
6. Hachi: A Dog’s Tale
Depends on what you mean by “broke your heart”… frankly, one that if I am in a mood to do an ugly cry, I go with Hachi: A Dog’s Tale… last 20 minutes or so has me weeping every time (I’m tearing up just thinking of it).–jrrybock
7. Manchester By The Sea
Many Redditors mentioned Manchester By The Sea, with some even saying they could never bear watching it again.
Manchester by the Sea was pretty soul crushing.–naughtyparamedic69
8. All of Us Strangers
All of Us Strangers (2023). Thought about it for days and made me question my own childhood, mortality, and loneliness. Incredible movie, incredible.–BrickTilt
9. Into The Wild
Into the Wild. As a young man (I think I was like 21) when I saw this, it really impacted me. I’m never watching it again because I cried so hard.–gmanasaurus
10. Big Fish
Big Fish makes me sob at the end every time I watch it.–NerveFlip85
11. The Art Of Racing In The Rain
The Art of Racing in the Rain. I read the book so I knew what was coming, and still lost it while watching the movie on a plane.–book-and-dodge
12. The Joy Luck Club
The Joy Luck Club for cathartic crying.–karmicreditplan
13. Interstellar
Interstellar tears me up every time.–Setsailshipwreck
14. Stand By Me
Stand by me. Such a bittersweet story. We all had our last summer/winter with our friends before everything changed for us. For example even today, decades after I reminisce when I hear some songs.–
15. Precious

16. Grave Of The Fireflies
Grave of the fireflies. It makes me cry every damn time I watch it, and I’m not one to cry easily.–Puzzleheaded-Monkee
17. Legends of the Fall
Legends of the Fall. The end is just heartbreaking. Plus the acting, cinematography and score are all fantastic.–coveruptionist