To The Mother Figures In Our Lives: You Made Us Who We Are Today
Every mom deserves to feel extraordinary, which is why this Mother’s Day, Thought Catalog is partnering with Papyrus to share stories and products that make any mother figure feel special. Celebrate the moms in your life this May with a gift from Papyrus.
There are so many different moments that have molded us into the people we are today. Our childhoods. Our greatest heartbreaks. Our most triumphant moments. Our firsts and lasts and everything in between. But there is nothing in this life that has had quite the impact on us the way our mother figures have.
After all, you taught us how to love. You showed us the power of compassion. You represented what kindness is and have proven time and time again that there is strength in radical gentleness and consideration for others.
You taught us how to speak up for ourselves. You encouraged us to stand in our truth, and defended that truth, even when it might make us less liked or understood. You taught us that we are not for everyone and not everyone is for us, but that is okay. Because the right people will always be there and hear us out.
You taught us that we have so much worth. And whenever we forgot that worth, you made sure to remind us. You always told us that we deserved our own love and kindness, and that this self-compassion was fundamental to becoming our best selves.
Being a mother figure it isn’t just our birth mothers either. Sometimes, a mother figure is a coworker. A neighbor. A grandparent. A mentor. An aunt.
It takes a special person to be considered a mother figure and being a mother figure is not something every person can do. It takes a certain kind of strength, determination, and character. It takes patience, it takes grit, it takes perseverance.
On Mother’s Day 2023, all of the mother figures deserve to feel extraordinary as they’ve made our world. It is a much kinder, brighter, and beautiful place to be thanks to them. Today, we celebrate you and you only.
To the mother figures in our lives, thank you for making us who we are today. We couldn’t be who we are without your influence, your love, and your guidance. Here’s to you. We appreciate you more than words can ever say.