Dear Future Husband
One day, I'll hold you in my arms and I'll feel like you were always supposed to be there.
Dear future husband,
Sometimes, I lay awake at night thinking about you.
Sometimes I wonder what you are doing at this exact moment. Are you sleeping or are you awake like me? Are you on the other side of the world or are you close to me? What are you feeling right now? What is going through your mind?
I don’t know your name, I don’t know where you’re from. I don’t know anything about you. I don’t know how or when our paths will cross. But I do know that you are out there.
And every day I pray for you.
I have played different scenes inside my head where I finally get to put a face on the man who has been in my dreams for so long. I have imagined myself sitting in a coffee shop drinking tea while reading a novel or writing and you come over and say hi. I have imagined me walking around the library or the bookstore and we accidentally bump into each other. I have imagined meeting you at a concert or at an art gallery. Or even at the gym. I have imagined a million different places where we meet, and our story began.
I have always been a hopeless romantic and I have imagined the moment when I lay my eyes on you will feel like a scene from a Nicholas Sparks romance novels. And everything will make sense and then I’ll know you are the one I’ve been patiently waiting for. I will know it by the feeling. I already know that I will fall for you in the blink of an eye.
Sometimes I wonder how life is treating you. I genuinely hope that you’re okay. I hope that you have been blessed with the life you have always wanted. Or if you are going through a rough time, I hope you find the strength to keep going.
Sometimes I wonder what you’ve been through and what battles you have fought. I want to know the story behind your scars. I want to learn about your past, your life, your family, and even your fears.
I want to learn all about it one day.
Sometimes I wonder what the color of your complexion is, what the color of your hair is. I wonder what the color of the windows to your soul is, those eyes I can’t wait to see my reflection in.
Sometimes I wonder what you are like. I wonder what your likes and dislikes are, your quirks and preferences. I wonder what your favorite sport is, what your favorite team is. What are your favorite things to do? What kind of books do you like to read? Are you a coffee or a tea person?
Sometimes I wonder when the day will be when our story begins. Wanting to speed up time so I can see you, but also desperately wanting to freeze it because I don’t know if you’re ready yet. Either way, no matter how fast or slow or how long it takes.
The one thing I know for sure—I can’t wait to meet you.
Because I wonder about you.
I wonder when you’ll arrive. I wonder who you will be. I wonder how you will look like. I wonder what you are passionate about. How you will be similar or different to me. How you’ll feel in my arms. How soft your skin is. How your kisses will taste like. What your cologne smells like.
Sometimes I wonder if you think of me too.
Do you think what it will be like to meet someone like me? Do you daydream about me? Do you wonder what our future will be like? Are you patiently waiting for me too?
I don’t know the answers, but I know one day I will be able to see you face-to-face.
We’ve been through our fair share of struggles, but I hope that together we can overcome whatever new struggles come our way. I hope we can have more fun, crazy, and incredible moments than we can count. One of these moments includes the day that you get down on one knee and ask me to be with you for the rest of your life. That day, we’ll promise to invest in a lifelong journey together of love, happiness, and laughter.
I know I am not easy to love or handle sometimes but I hope you can see beyond that and see that behind my hard shell, there’s a woman that only wants to be loved for who she is.
Things will certainly not be easy but I promise you that I’ll always support you. I’ll grow with you. I’ll help you. I’ll challenge you. I’ll inspire you. I’ll lift you up. I’ll always appreciate you and everything you do for me. I’ll always be there by your side. I’ll love you more each and every day. Though our future holds unknown things, both good and bad, I’m ready to start this journey together.
One day, I’ll hold you in my arms and I’ll feel like you were always supposed to be there. I’ll have the privilege of looking into your eyes and I’ll realize you were always meant to be a part of my life.
One day, I will feel that intense, unexplainable, magical feeling. I will give you my heart, and I’ll hold yours.
Until then, I’ll patiently wait for the day we finally meet.
With love
Your future wife.