7 ‘Twilight’ Characters Who Were Secretly Annoying (But We Pretended Not To Notice)

Here’s a look at seven Twilight characters who had more than a few moments that made us roll our eyes.

Twilight captured our hearts with its supernatural love triangles and unforgettable characters. Fans adored Bella, Edward, Jacob, and the rest, but let’s be honest — some of them had their annoying moments. Whether it was their awkward behavior, questionable decisions, or just plain stubbornness, a few of them managed to get under our skin, even if we pretended not to notice at the time. Here’s a look at seven Twilight characters who, despite their importance to the story, had more than a few moments that made us roll our eyes.

Bella Swan

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Oh, Bella. Where do we even start? On the surface, she’s our relatable everygirl. But her constant awkwardness and clumsiness feel tedious and over-the-top at times. Plus, with two supernatural hotties fighting over her, it gets annoying to see her complain. But the real kicker is how she treats her human friends. Poor Angela and Jessica might as well be wallpaper once Edward shows up. 

Bella’s whole “I’m not like other girls” shtick gets old fast, as does her judgy attitude. She acts like her friends’ interests in things like fashion and gossip are shallow, while her relationship with Edward is somehow deeper and more important. Sure, Bella’s not a bad person. But sometimes you just want to sit her down with a cup of coffee and have a real talk about self-worth, friendship, and maybe investing in some non-slip shoes.

Edward Cullen

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There’s no question that Edward Cullen is everyone’s favorite sparkly stalker. Yes, he’s supposed to be this old-school romantic. But let’s be real — he’s got more red flags than a bullfight. Sneaking into Bella’s room to watch her sleep? Creepy, not romantic. And his controlling tendencies? Yikes. “I’m only keeping you away from your friends for your own good, Bella.” Sure, that’s not manipulative at all. The whole “I’m dangerous, stay away… but also, I can’t live without you” act is what’s called toxic love, even if it is all wrapped up in glitter. In hindsight, Edward’s brand of romance feels more like controlling behavior than a fairy tale.

Jacob Black

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Ah, Jacob. Sweet, shirtless Jacob. He starts off as the laid-back alternative to Edward’s brooding, but soon reveals his own issues. Jacob’s the guy who just can’t take a hint. Bella friend-zones him hard, but he sticks around like a bad rash. His constant guilt-tripping —”I’m better for you than that vampire!”— is tiring. As much as we love him, Jacob’s arc quickly shifts from lovable to a lesson in not respecting boundaries.

And can we finally talk about the whole imprinting-on-Renesmee thing? Falling for a baby because you couldn’t have her mom is kind of creepy, no matter what the supernatural justification.

Renee Dwyer 

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Renee is the “cool mom” who’s more like a teenager than her actual daughter. Sure, she’s fun and carefree. But she doesn’t come across as a big part of Bella’s life, making it feel like the teen raised herself. That’s not quirky, it’s borderline neglect. 

Renee’s flighty, hands-off approach might seem charming at first, but it left Bella carrying the emotional weight from a young age. And when things get supernatural? She’s nowhere to be found, leaving Charlie to deal with the fallout. As great as she might be, Renee’s free-spirited nature comes off more as avoidance than anything else.

Rosalie Hale

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Rosalie should be a total powerhouse — gorgeous, fierce, and unafraid to speak her mind. But in practice she seems like the high school mean girl who never grew up. Her attitude toward Bella is less protective sister-in-law and more Regina George with fangs. Sure, her backstory is tragic, but that doesn’t excuse her nastiness. 

And then there’s her obsession with having kids. It feels like her whole character revolves around the fact that she can’t be a mom, which reduces her complexity to a stereotype. In the end, while Rosalie is good-hearted, she unfortunately comes off as bitter and jealous.

Renesmee Cullen

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Where do we even begin with Renesmee? Credit to Stephenie Meyer for thinking outside the box. But this half-vampire, half-human hybrid is where things get a little… strange. Let’s start with her name — Renesmee. It sounds like Bella and Edward combined their moms’ names in a game of Scrabble and just went with it. Then there’s the rapid aging. One minute she’s a baby, the next she’s having deep conversations. It’s honestly hard to keep up! 

And, of course, there’s the whole Jacob imprinting situation. It’s meant to be pure and protective, but it is still kind of uncomfortable. Plus, Renesmee is basically perfect at everything — she’s super smart, everyone adores her, and she has magic powers. She’s not evil or anything, but sometimes you just want to say, “Alright, we get it — she’s special!”

Charlie Swan

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Charlie Swan is probably one of the most relatable characters in Twilight, but his laid-back, small-town dad attitude comes with some moments of frustration. He’s the classic “strong, silent type,” always there with a cup of coffee and a dry comment. But he’s completely clueless about the chaos Bella’s getting into. For someone whose daughter is dating a vampire and being stalked by werewolves, he’s surprisingly unbothered. 

His love for Bella is obvious, but his hands-off parenting style sometimes makes you wish he’d be a bit more involved. Still, his quiet, no-nonsense vibe provides a nice contrast to all the supernatural drama swirling around him, and you can’t help but appreciate his steady presence in a world full of chaos.

About the author

Mishal Zafar

Mishal Zafar