30 Other Things Every Woman Should Know By 30
The advice includes making sure you have "a black lace bra" and "an umbrella you’re not ashamed to be seen carrying." (Because those are the items women need to lead inspired lives.) Over the years I've compiled my own list, which I'd like to share with you now. It assumes a basic knowledge of rain…
- Always ask for more money at your job, even if you don’t think you deserve it.
- Try to be kind to the people who are rude to you. It’s not personal, they’re just having a really bad day/month/life.
- Don’t go to doctors that advertise. Ask a friend for a recommendation.
- If you are hungover, drink water, eat a banana and try to sleep it off.
- If you believe in opportunity, opportunity will present itself.
- Sometimes when things are really bad, you just have to go through the motions of your life until they get better.
- Surround yourself by only the books, images, music and people that make you happy.
- Your ability to speak honestly about your weaknesses, failures and disappointments is your greatest strength.
- Nothing is more fulfilling than helping other people.
- There really are plenty of fish in the sea.
- Wear sunscreen or a hat when you’re in strong sunlight.
- You need to take the big risk, even if it scares the living crap out of you.
- Sometimes water is thicker than blood.
- Shoes that are too tight can be stretched by a shoemaker.
- Don’t worry about living a life that looks good on paper.
- Go to the gynecologist every year, even if you hate it.
- Be careful about confiding personal information. Relationships change.
- Go to events and parties and lectures you have no interest in going to.
- Ask yourself what you want. Then take the necessary steps to get it.
- Don’t stay in a bad relationship because of the anticipated misery of a breakup.
- When you have a headache, drink a glass of water before you do anything else. It might just be dehydration.
- Anyone worth having sex with should think that you’re gorgeous the way you are.
- When people are speaking gibberish English with a bunch of unrelated words strung together they’re usually talking about a band.
- Just because you’re in love doesn’t mean you’re with the right person.
- You can have a fulfilling life without ever having kids.
- Do what comes naturally to you, it’s what you’ll have the most success at.
- Be thankful that things you wished for didn’t come true. Know that this will happen again.
- Let yourself be happy when you’re happy.
- Force yourself to overcome your fears.
- Remember that no one else has it figured out either.