10 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn While Walking Your Dog

There’s something truly unique about the bond between dog and dog owner. Whether you’re relaxing on the couch scratching your dog’s stomach, running together, or playing fetch in the park, a dog is loyal to the core, always his or her drooling, panting, authentic self. We’ve partnered with Tito’s Handmade Vodka, which advocates for rescue dogs and neglected animals, to celebrate the special relationships that can only be forged between dog people and their trusty canine friends.


1. Enjoy the journey every single time you step foot out of the house. Wherever you go, your dog isn’t preoccupied by what route you take or what your final destination is. Why? Because he or she is busy enjoying every single moment along the way, just as you should.

2. Don’t be afraid to stop and take a whiff of nature. When we’re not busy jolting from one meeting to the next, we’re usually buried in our phones, searching the web for the next hilarious meme or the next moving story. But there’s an entire natural world of beauty at our fingertips and if you don’t pause to appreciate the majesty like your dog does, you’ll miss it.

3. Why walk when you can run? You don’t always need a reason to dash across the lawn or the park. Yes, running can seem like a chore you’d rather skip, especially when you’re doing it on a treadmill dressed in clingy, unforgiving athletic gear. But there is so much joy to be had in an impromptu sprint. Follow your dog’s lead and dart across the park on a whim and watch as your mood transforms in an instant.

4. If you’re happy, show it! When a dog is happy, you know it. You can see it in their eyes, and in the wag of their tail. If you’re in good spirits, there’s no reason not to share that good energy with the outside world.

5. You’re never too old to play. Dogs of all ages seem to understand this and they lead by example in a wonderful way. Playtime isn’t just for kids. We all need to let loose and act a little wild sometimes, so build a few breaks into your workday or schedule a rendezvous with friends surrounding some kind of silly adventure, like a trip to the local amusement park.

6. Good behavior is almost always rewarded. There’s a simple, beautiful formula that governs the relationship between dog and pet owner: When a dog behaves well, he gets that treat or that tummy scratch because he’s earned it. It’s helpful to remember that good vibes beget good vibes and that it’s worth spreading the positivity whenever possible.

7. Don’t be intimidated by how loud someone can “bark.” The typical dog doesn’t back down when another dog barks, no matter how big or small their opponent is. The takeaway from this canine bravery is that you shouldn’t be frightened by a person’s size, or the volume of their shouts. Rather, focus on the content of their character and the validity of the argument they’re trying to make. Never let bullying tactics overwhelm you.

8. If you trust someone, loosen the leash. When an owner lets their dog run free, the dog abides by the terms of an unspoken but well understood agreement not to run away. Trust may be difficult to build, but it’s important to recognize that it’s there. Once you’ve established that precious sense of trust with a partner or colleague, loosen the reins a little.

9. Be grateful whenever someone takes the time to pet you (or pat you on the back). A good dog acts supremely grateful when a stranger stops to show him appreciation. So should every good human. Each compliment you receive should be welcomed with grace and treasured as the nugget of kindness that it is.

10. If you’re having a blast, don’t rush home. A dog rarely ever wants to leave the park, and we humans could benefit from their carefree attitude. If you’re having a great time, don’t hesitate to extend your stay. Figure out a way to finesse your schedule and seize the moment, especially when you’re in the company of a creature (or people) you adore.

This Post Was Produced In Partnership With Tito’s Handmade Vodka

I adore the following, in no particular order: knee-high tube socks, acrostic poetry, and my little brother. Click here to learn more!

Keep up with Mélanie on Instagram, Twitter and melanieberliet.com