21 Hilarious Ways To Explain What ‘Ghosting’ Really Is

Olga Ush
Olga Ush


The act of suddenly ceasing all communication with someone the subject is dating, but no longer wishes to date. This is done in hopes that the ghostee will just “get the hint” and leave the subject alone, as opposed to the subject simply telling them he/she is no longer interested. Ghosting is not specific to a certain gender and is closely related to the subject’s maturity and communication skills. Many attempt to justify ghosting as a way to cease dating the ghostee without hurting their feelings, but it in fact proves the subject is thinking more of themselves, as ghosting often creates more confusion for the ghostee than if the subject kindly stated how he/she feels.

Ghostface Illa


Something that immature little boys do to girls when they’re too cowardly to say they’re no longer interested. This results in the boy feeling great he got away so easily without any “drama” but leaves the girl with an inordinate amount of pain, anxiety and over-thinking about what the hell she did/said/texted wrong.

A phenomena made popular in modern society with the more disposable forms of communication such as text messages thereby removing the ghosted from any culpability or having to deal with a real face to face response.



A term used to define the act of leaving.



V. To Ghost. The action of not attending a specific date, situation or function when it was previously decided that it would be attended. To duck out or to bail from the situation.



To take a hit off a joint, bong, pipe, etc. and hold it in so long that when you go to exhale no smoke comes out. Doing this a lot during a sesion w/ big hits is bound to get you stoned off your ass.



When a guy seems really into you then suddenly disappears.



This occurs when a person goes “offline” on Facebook but continues to creep and look at pictures.



During sex – doggystyle – switch with a friend at the point of climax, but without allowing the girl to realise. For ghosting to take full effect, ensure that the girl is positioned against a first floor window, looking out. After the switch, run down and wave through the window. Then simply enjoy her reaction to ‘seeing a ghost’.

The King…


To ghost: Cutting all ties with a girl.

Curnis Furnis


The act of quickly leaving a bar, party, or function during a blackout without telling any of your friends.

The Widge


Jacking off into a folded tissue to produce a arts and crafts style “ghost”with your tissue and your semen



The act of covertly observing other people having a good time – due either to shyness or creepiness.



Using the “invisible” option on an instant messenger service so that you can see everyone on your buddylist, but you don’t show up on theirs.



The act of hiding while a friend is having sex in the same room. As your friend didn’t tell you to leave, and you are stuck there till your friend is done fucking, as afraid of being seen by the girl.



When working in a multi-floor office, taking a shit on a floor that isn’t yours without anyone knowing it, and leaving it there.



When receiving a blow job just prior to climaxing make some smart ass comment to get the girl sucking your cock to laugh just as you blow your load. The result will be the same as making a friend laugh while they are drinking a glass of milk – only creamier.



pulling your shirt over your head in the middle of the bar and chugging your beer through your shirt. “bro you just ghosted that beer”



to go invisible on gchat.



To give your sexual partner the experience of seeing a ghost.



When you have sex with a very pale woman

orca sniffer


To capture a midget, dress the midget in a long ballroom gown type dress (preferably white) duck tape the midget’s hands to the ceiling fan blade and turn on the aforementioned ceiling fan so it appears there is a spooky ghost flying around the room

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Mélanie Berliet

I adore the following, in no particular order: knee-high tube socks, acrostic poetry, and my little brother. Click here to learn more!

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