15 Married Men Who Cheated Reveal What It’s Like To Have An Affair
"My exploits will probably send me to the grave a decade earlier than scheduled."
10. “It’s been five years since I cheated, and things are finally almost sort of back to normal between the wife and me. It took a lot of sucking up and more than a few expensive gifts I couldn’t really afford to get back to a good place, but I put myself in that situation. It feels better to own up to that than to lie to myself.”
— Documentary Filmmaker, 33
11. “I’ve got a word of advice for women: If you don’t have sex with your husband, he’ll find someone else who’s willing. He’ll pay for it if he has to. That’s the way things work. Get used to it, or don’t. Just don’t be surprised when you play ‘too tired’ for a few weeks and then wake up to the realization that your man’s dick is visiting another pussy regularly.”
— Unemployed (by choice), 25
12. “I’m madly in love with the woman I’ve been having an affair with for three years now. My wife and I have a terrible marriage. We don’t even like each other. But she’s too damn stubborn or pissed or evil to let me go. I want out. This other woman is my only chance at happiness.”
— General Practitioner, 34
13. “I have a few divorced friends and every single relationship meltdown I know of has resulted from someone, either the man or woman, having sex on the side. We’re a jealous species. From what I’ve seen, if there aren’t any kids involved when people break up, it’s fine. But when there are kids involved, no one seems to win. I have three kids, so I don’t see the upside of leaving my wife even though I’m desperate to.”
— Psychiatrist, 40