1. “I’ll never do it again. But it’s not like I’ve had some ethical reawakening. All that sneaking around will drive a man crazy after a while. Even if you’re in a bad place in your marriage, the deceit will weigh on you and it’s just not worth it in the end. My exploits will probably send me to the grave a decade earlier than scheduled. And for what? Some cheap thrills and a bunch of mediocre blowjobs.”
— Attorney, 32
2. “My biggest regret about the whole thing? Confessing. I felt guilty, obviously. But guess what? Coming clean helped absolutely no one. I felt shitty, my wife felt shitty. If you cheat, do yourself and your spouse a favor and don’t admit to it.”
— Bond Trader, 28
3. “As complicated as the situation became when shit hit the fan, if I could do it all over again, I would. The girl I was sleeping with was hot as fuck and great in bed. No regrets. Except marrying too damn young.”
— Personal Assistant, 26