15 Married Men Who Cheated Reveal What It’s Like To Have An Affair


1. “I’ll never do it again. But it’s not like I’ve had some ethical reawakening. All that sneaking around will drive a man crazy after a while. Even if you’re in a bad place in your marriage, the deceit will weigh on you and it’s just not worth it in the end. My exploits will probably send me to the grave a decade earlier than scheduled. And for what? Some cheap thrills and a bunch of mediocre blowjobs.”

— Attorney, 32


2. “My biggest regret about the whole thing? Confessing. I felt guilty, obviously. But guess what? Coming clean helped absolutely no one. I felt shitty, my wife felt shitty. If you cheat, do yourself and your spouse a favor and don’t admit to it.”

— Bond Trader, 28


3. “As complicated as the situation became when shit hit the fan, if I could do it all over again, I would. The girl I was sleeping with was hot as fuck and great in bed. No regrets. Except marrying too damn young.”

— Personal Assistant, 26



About the author

Mélanie Berliet

I adore the following, in no particular order: knee-high tube socks, acrostic poetry, and my little brother. Click here to learn more!

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