Brooke Cagle

Some Little Reminders About Life That Every Twenty-Something Should Hear

Your life is not meant to be a straight line, nor was it ever supposed to be a smooth journey.


You should know…

Your life is not meant to be a straight line, nor was it ever supposed to be a smooth journey. That a “perfect” life simply doesn’t exist outside of social media.

You should know…

That what makes life so beautiful is in its imperfection, not in its perfection. That a life filled with vast complexities, challenges, relationships, and experiences, both good in bad, is what makes life so extraordinary, not the life we see online.

You should know…

That you won’t feel good all the time, even if you want to. Even if you try to. That a life where you are constantly on a never-ending high simply doesn’t exist. However, a life in which you feel whole, complete, and fulfilled does exist. Find it and embrace all of life’s emotions.

You should know…

Someone may break your heart one day. They may break it into a million pieces, leaving you with nothing than what happened to the love you thought was once the “one.” You may not understand it at the time, nor would you want to. But you should know that heartbreak will all make sense one day. It always does.

You should know…

That being vulnerable doesn’t make you weak. That showing your true colors—your true emotions—does not make you just a “sensitive” person. No, it makes you human. It makes you alive. It connects you to something bigger.

You should know…

You already have enough. You already are enough. That you don’t need anything else to feel whole. And you should know that if someone else doesn’t see that already in you, then perhaps they don’t deserve to.

You should know…

High school or University shouldn’t be the best years of your life. That yes, you should cherish the memories and people from them, but you should also know that life doesn’t stop there. That life continues. That YOU continue.

You should know…

You don’t have to have it all figured out in your 20s. That you don’t have to have your life figured out when you’re so, so young. You should know that you have time. Lots of time. That life isn’t just about getting somewhere, but living in the moment.

You should know…

So much can change in a single moment that in just one decision, a person can say, “I love you” or “Today, I start.” That life comes down to decisions and choices that make up who you are. You should know that you have the freedom to choose, the freedom to live.

And lastly, you should know…

Stop wishing for something better. Stop planning for something better. Stop waiting for something more and start CREATING something better for yourself that you know you deserve.

You should know…

Because we all just need a little reminder sometimes.