
If You’d Let Me, This Is How I’d Love You

I will love you even when we're tired, even when we feel like we need more time to heal.



If you’d let me, I would love every part of you, even your flaws and insecurities, even the parts that hurt and the troubles you don’t let people see. I will let you know every single day that you are perfect as you are, just like that, and that you make the world a better place. Even with your walls up so high, I will break through them, I will tear them down piece by piece, no matter how long it takes, because I want to be able to hold your hand and see your eyes sparkle when you smile.

If you’d let me, I would kiss all your worries and pains away.

I will let you know every single day how grateful I am that you exist, even when you feel like the world has turned its back on you, I will always be around. When you’re tired, I will be there watching your eyes flutter while you’re dreaming, and when the nightmares come, I will be there to hold you and tell you that everything is going to be alright.

If you’d let me, I will sing for you every day, until all we hear is music, and we’d dance each night away.

I will make you some soup when you’re sick, and sing you lullabies until you fall asleep. I will be your friend, I will listen to your rants, your worries, and your wonderful stories, the ones that make your eyes go wide with excitement. I will be your lover, I will remind you every day that you are important and loved and that I need you. I will always be amazed with you, even through time.

If you’d let me, I will love you for a lifetime, I will stay with you even in times of conflict, even when you feel like giving up. And even when you’d make me walk for hours and my feet would hurt, I will keep walking, and I will keep loving. Because people always leave, but I will be the one who stays. It’s scary, loving you, but I’m here, and I will always be here. I will not run the opposite way when things get rough, and I will not wish for anyone else.
If you’d let me, I will love all the hurt you’ve been through and celebrate every happy moment with you.

I will laugh with you all the days of our lives, even through the rough times, even when nobody else understands. I will think of you in the middle of the day, and before I close my eyes at night, I will pray for you, send you light and love. I will let you know every day how I admire your strength and the beauty of your heart, that the world needs so much more of you. I will watch the flowers bloom with you, and hold your hand while the seasons change.

I will love you even when it hurts, even when it could be difficult.

I will love you even when we’re tired, even when we feel like we need more time to heal. I will love the ground under your feet and the air over your head. I will give you my whole heart, unreserved and without boundaries, I will open up to you, and be okay with the possibility of being hurt.

Because you deserve love ― love without condition, without bounds, without limit; love without reason, one that lasts, love that always forgives. And if you’d let me, that is how I will love you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark