Marissa Geraci

Articles by
Marissa Geraci
The Conversations We Should Really Be Having With Our Partners If We Want Our Relationships To Last
There are different ways (“languages”) in which people feel love. The goal is to learn to communicate in the way that resonates best with your significant other.
7 Ways To Truly Heal When Your Breakup Makes You Feel Completely Lost
After a breakup many people default to thinking, “there is something wrong with me.”
This Is How You Actually Let Go Because It’s More Than Just Forgetting
It was a moment, a click, a release, a new idea. An acceptance of the fact that maybe a relationship wasn’t something I was supposed to have, and that my life was still fulfilled without it.
12 Simple Things That Can Improve Your Self-Esteem (Even If It’s Hit Rock Bottom)
What are you exposing yourself to all day? Are you doing everything you possibly can for yourself to feel how you want to feel?