Evan Kirby

I Just Want To Remind You That You Are Loved

I just want to tell you that I care. That I will always care.


Evan Kirby
Evan Kirby

I love you. Did you know that? Did you know that you’re one of the first things I think about when I open my eyes? Did you know that you’re the last person who crosses my mind before I fall asleep? Did you know that as I stumble through my day, I often wonder about you and what you’re doing? That I miss you, even when we’ve only been apart for minutes?

I love you. I want to let you know, just in case you haven’t heard those words leave my lips today.

Sometimes I get a little caught up in my responsibilities, in my engagements, in my obligations. I get lost in the rush of a work week, in the loudness of my conversations, in the silence of my tired mind, and I forget to remind you that you matter to me.

And that you always will.

I love the sparkle in your eyes, the pigment of your hair, I love the way you drape your arm around my shoulders and I suddenly feel alive again. I love the way you always know how to spread a smile across my lips or give me encouragement on my darkest days.

I love all the ways you love me, and all the ways you fall short. Because you’re human, and it’s your imperfection that makes you beautiful. I hope you know that.

I just want to tell you that I’m here. Maybe not physically all the time, but in that steady beating of your heart. I’m always the quiet voice in your mind. I’m always the open ears. I’m always the shoulder, ready to carry your burdens or give your head a place to rest.

I want you to know that whatever pain you’re burying is temporary. I want you to know that whatever aches you have will one day cease. I want you to know that whatever is breaking you, piece by piece, doesn’t have to be hidden. You can share these things with me. And I will help you fight through.

We’re in this together. I’m not going anywhere.

I want you to know that because I love you, your problems are my problems and this shouldn’t make you feel guilty. I want to lift the heaviness from your chest. I want to kiss your forehead and make the fever fade.

I want to be everything I can for you on all your days—good and bad and in-between. Because I love you. And I’m not leaving.

I just want to tell you that I care. That I will always care. That you are a blessing to me and my life and I am thankful, even when I don’t always share this with you.

You are loved. By every tiny slice of my heart. By every crazy thought dancing in my head. By every cell and fiber of my being. I love you. And in case you feel tired and empty today, here’s your reminder. You matter to me. Thought Catalog Logo Mark