I Hope You Love A Little More Boldly In This New Year


I hope you stop questioning.

I hope you stop asking yourself whether or not you should talk to that person, and you just do. I hope you stop overthinking your every move and just lean in for that kiss. I hope you quit wondering ‘what if’ and just grab his/her hand. I hope you stop doubting whether or not the two of you will work out and believe in the impossible. Because love is terrifying, yes, but if you keep holding back, you’ll never fully experience it. I hope you give into love.

I hope you actually listen to your heart.

That little muscle beating so wildly in your chest? I hope you stop ignoring it. That fluttering when he/she walks into the room? I hope you stop pretending it’s not happening. I hope when you’re pulled to chase that person, you do. I hope when you feel compelled to express your feelings, you let them out. I hope you stop trying to rationalize, stop letting your brain take over, and instead, let yourself feel.

I hope you let people in.

You don’t need that cold exterior anymore. You don’t need to be harsh and distant, bitter and removed. You don’t need to have your guard up, or think that everyone will hurt you like the last person did. I hope you choose to trust. I hope you choose to be vulnerable. I hope you choose to be open, and allow yourself to experience real love—all the incredible highs and lows. And I hope you don’t regret it one bit.

I hope you tell people how you feel.

When you love them, you tell them. When you want them to stay, you ask them not to go. When you’re missing them, you express that. When you’re hurting, you let them see the innermost parts of your heart. I hope you stop pretending. I hope you stop acting like you’re okay when you’re cracking on the inside. I hope you stop telling yourself you don’t need anyone. And I hope you become strong, but soft.

I hope you love with passion.

There are no rules for love. You don’t have to act a certain way or say a specific thing. You don’t have to follow the guidelines of those around you, or fit into a mold of the man or woman you’re ‘supposed to be.’ I hope you break away from those expectations. I hope you love with fullness, love with passion, love with everything you have.

I hope you are bold.

I hope you love fiercely. I hope you give people your heart and you let them hold yours. I hope you share your mind. I hope you believe in the future. I hope you quit measuring yourself and your relationship to those around you and find happiness on even your most difficult days. I hope you fight for things and people that you love. I hope you look back and know that you lived your life exactly how you wanted to, with the people you care for by your side. But most of all, I hope you are fearless when it comes to matters of your heart. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Marisa Donnelly

Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.

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