I Hope This New Year Brings You A New Beginning In Christ

I hope in this new year, you let Christ save you. You let His words heal your heart, cleanse your soul, and lift you from pain.


Roberto Nickson
Roberto Nickson

Maybe you’re feeling lost right now. Maybe you’re feeling broken. Maybe your heart is aching from losing a loved one, or maybe you’re just not sure how to gather yourself and push towards another day. Maybe this past year was a tough one. Maybe your mind’s still reeling from a gut-wrenching decision, or maybe you’ve just felt off for so long that you aren’t sure who you are anymore.

Life gives us heavy burdens to carry sometimes.

We will feel confident and secure one minute, and then something will shake our foundation, making us question everything again—heartache, loss, death, physical pain, regret, guilt, divorce, financial trouble, depression, grief—unfortunately, the list continues.

This trouble finds us wherever we are, often when we least expect it. There’s no discrimination between sex or race or social status or religion or how ‘good’ of a person we are—pain finds us.

But the one sliver of hope in all this turmoil is that Christ gave His life so that we wouldn’t have to endure this pain forever.

Those of the Christian faith have set their sights on a life after this one. We trust in the unseen and we believe, wholeheartedly, that Christ was crucified to give the world healing, to forgive our sins, to lift us all from the pain of this world and to offer us a new beginning. That’s liberating.

So whether you are struggling with addiction, aching from a painful breakup or broken relationship, unsure of who you are or your step, or just dreading this coming year, I hope that you find a new beginning in Christ.

I hope in this new year, you let Christ save you. You let His words heal your heart, cleanse your soul, and lift you from pain.

I hope you trust in His promise—that you are loved, that you are freed, and that there is a life waiting for you after this one. A life that is painless and unhindered. I hope you lean on Him now, in your dark moments, let Him shed light on you and your weakness, bitterness, sadness, defeat. I hope you let Him fill your soul with forgiveness, hope, and happiness instead.

I hope you let Him carry you forward into the new year with a new perspective.

This isn’t about forcing you to believe a certain way, or pushing a life of faith down your throat. This is about celebration—about a belief that is so powerful, it could truly change your life. This is about the simple realization that in Christ, you are given a new life. Not only a new beginning for this new year, but a chance to start over, to see the good, to let go of the trouble that has burdened you, to move on from the past that has held you back, and run forward into healing and grace.

I hope you find yourself in Christ’s arms. I hope you explore this faith, read His word, and know that you were loved from the beginning, and will always be loved by Him.

I hope you stop trying to fight Him. I hope you stop trying to carry your burdens on your tired shoulders, and give them all to Him. I hope you stop trying to take control of what you can’t and let Him guide you, shape you, help you, save you.

This new year is a chance to start over, a chance to find yourself after pain, a chance for happiness, a chance for love. Let Christ’s love fill your heart. Let Him give you the happiness and hope you’ve been searching for because you deserve that, you beautiful soul. You deserve to be free. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Marisa Donnelly

Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.

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