Pearl / Lightstock

10 Ways Attending Church Can Heal And Strengthen You

It doesn't matter where you are on your spiritual journey. Whether you're just beginning to wonder who God is and what this 'faith thing' is all about, or whether you're a seasoned believer, you're invited to church with open arms.


Church isn’t for everyone. Some may have turned their back on it, or maybe feel like it turned its back on them. But for others, it’s a home away from home – a place to celebrate your faith and come as you are. In partnership with the January 20th premiere of The Resurrection Of Gavin Stone, we’re sharing exactly how church can save and replenish the soul.

Pearl / Lightstock
Pearl / Lightstock

1. It can connect you with a meaningful community of people who genuinely care about your well-being.

Attending a church means that you have the opportunity to be surrounded by like-minded people, people who care about one another, people who are struggling, and people who are looking for a greater sense of purpose. Church is a place where you can find and develop deep friendships (and maybe even find that Mr./Miss Right you’ve been searching for!)

2. It can give you words, teachings, and comfort for when you don’t have the answers.

The word of God can strengthen you, can support you, can encourage you, and can change your perspective. Listening to the word can help heal your emotional scars, give you advice on friendships, marriage, parenting, or simply being a human in this crazy world.

3. It will be a safe haven.

Church is a safe place. Here, guys don’t whistle at girls, they pray for them. 😜

4. It will help you forgive, love, and learn to let go of pain.

Church is about healing. It’s about learning to forgive those who have hurt you, and forgiving yourself for your sins. It’s about finding healing, letting go, and giving your burdens to God. It’s a place where you can be reborn every single Sunday and have the strength to head into a new week.

5. It will give you confidence.

Church is a mood-booster, a life-improver, and a wardrobe-enhancer. Ever heard the phrase, ‘look good, feel good, right? Nothing says confidence like a nice Sunday outfit. And when you look good, plus you’re equipped with soul-strengthening Bible verses, you’ll be ready to take on the world.

The Resurrection Of Gavin Stone
The Resurrection Of Gavin Stone

6. It will restore your faith on your darkest days, or bring you to Christ when you’re feeling hopeless.

It doesn’t matter where you are on your spiritual journey. Whether you’re just beginning to wonder who God is and what this ‘faith thing’ is all about, or whether you’re a seasoned believer, you’re invited with open arms. Attending church will help you find a secure footing in the Father, and give you strength when you don’t think you can stand on your own.

7. It will hold you accountable.

Let’s be honest here, sometimes we need a good kick in the butt. And church can be that for us, holding us accountable, and reminding us to rid ourselves of those crappy habits, to stay away from the vices, and hold strong in the face of temptation.

8. It will give you a new perspective.

Church stimulates your brain. It makes you think deeply about those life questions—who we are, where we come from, and what our purpose is. And truth is, we all need a little brain food.

9. It will comfort you on every step of your journey.

Church on Sunday is a reminder that you’re not alone in your hardships. Even in this beautiful place of worship and holiness, you’re surrounded by beautiful, sinful people. And you know what? They’re struggling just like you. And that’s okay. No one’s perfect. So come as you are—broken, burdened, afraid—wherever you are or whatever you’re feeling, you are welcome here.

10. It will show you how beautiful life truly is.

You’re not always going to be in a good place. Life is like that, unfortunately—sometimes we’re up, and sometimes we’re down. But the beautiful thing about having faith, is that faith is always there. And God is always there. Attending church is a weekly reminder that you are loved, that you are strong in Him, and that you can and will overcome whatever burdens you’re facing. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

This Post Is Brought To You By The Resurrection Of Gavin Stone In Theaters January 20th.