
Here’s What #Basic Fall Activity You’ll Mostly Likely Indulge In, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Because we're all a little #basic sometimes, right?




March 21 – April 20

You are energetic and passionate about everything you do (and competitive of course), so your #basic fall activity is totally pumpkin-carving. It all starts with getting the best of the best pumpkins (because you can’t imagine settling for anything less). You’ll probably also host a competition for the best-carved pumpkin, quickest-carved pumpkin, most-amazing-tasting-pumpkin-seeds, and pretty much anything else that gives you a chance at beating out your friends. You can’t help it, you just love a good race. (And a good post-win pumpkin selfie.)


April 21 – May 21

You crave security, stability, and safety, so when it comes to October activities and getting the sh*t scared out of you, you’d much rather it be somewhere where you know you won’t be actually killed by that guy with the chainsaw. Your favorite #basic fall activity is a hayride—calm, predictable, and still fun. On a hayride you can kick back, sip on some spiked hot chocolate, laugh with friends, and not have the nagging fear that a clown with a knife is going to pop out from around the corner. Well, at least you hope.


May 22 – June 21

You hate being bored. I mean hate. So anything slow, dull, or mundane? Nope, you’re not about that life. When it comes to #basic fall activities, your favorite is a Halloween-themed booze cruise. There you can socialize, wear a crazy costume, try as many spooky beers as your heart desires, and be constantly on the go. Oh, and get shamelessly drunk of course.


June 22 – July 22

You tend to be protective, so you’re all about the #basic haunted house this fall. This gives you the opportunity to save your friends/significant other/family members from serial killers hiding behind doors or rabid werewolves lurking in the woods right outside the porch, while still getting a good laugh at how scared your friends/fam actually get. (Because lol, right?)


July 23 – August 22

You love when everyone around you is having a good time, so your ideal #basic fall activity is, of course, hosting a costume party. You’ll go all out—decorations, spooky spiked drinks, best-dressed contest, even Halloween-themed snacks—all at your pad. You love organizing, creating a fun atmosphere, and being in charge (of course). But even though you can sometimes be a little much (aka slightly bossy), you always have your party-attendees’ best interests at heart. And you’re always down for a good time. Duh.


August 23 – September 22

When it comes to #basic fall activities, you’re the ultimate planner. You’re the one who’s researched where the best Halloween beer-tasting events are in town, or all the local spots to try the pumpkin flavored drinks. It’s halfway through October, but you’ve already attended a Haunted Mud-Run, volunteered at a kid’s costume party, been to at least three haunted houses, and are currently stressed trying to plan the next few weekends because OMG HALLOWEEN IS ALMOST HERE!!


September 23 – October 22

Of all the signs, you’re the most chill, so when it comes to #basic fall activities, you’re all about two things: (1) sitting at Starbucks for hours, sipping on a Pumpkin Spice Latte and chatting with friends or (2) handing out candy on your porch in your pjs. But, if you’re persuaded, you’re the type to most definitely participate in the matching couple costumes. You’re just cute and romantic (and #basic) like that.


October 23 – November 21

You have a lot of energy. That means your #basic fall activity is definitely a haunted hike. There’s something about the outside air, being on your feet, and taking copious amounts of BFF-on-the-trail selfies (or solo-selfies, since you don’t mind being alone) that just get you pumped.


November 22 – December 21

As a Sagittarius, you never settle. You’re always looking for the biggest, baddest thing to attend with friends/fam, and you might not admit it, but you’ve been secretly looking at October activities since, like, August. That’s why when it comes to a #basic fall to-do list, you’re all about Halloween-themed amusement parks. Anywhere you can ride rollercoasters, be outside, and occasionally get a good scare is totally you.


December 22 – January 20

When it comes to #basic fall activities, you can never decide. When you’re doing one thing, you can’t help but want to be somewhere else—you just want to do it all! Your go-to #basic activity, though, is most definitely Trick-or-Treating. Here you can dress up and get free candy all while sipping on some drinks (because pregame, duh) and then you can head over to a more adult-like party—the best of both worlds for your conflicted mind.


January 21 – February 19

You’re a rebel, so when it comes to being #basic, you’re the sign that’s most-likely down to scare as many kids as possible. Whether that’s hiding out by your front door and scaring the pants off of Trick-or-Treaters or screaming bloody murder at any haunted house you attend, you love getting dressed up and making the entire month of October scary AF.


February 20 – March 20

You’re the emotional sign, so hands down, your favorite #basic fall activity is costume shopping. You love getting a group together and hitting up the stores, trying on ridiculous outfits, taking sh*t-tons of pictures, and bonding over Halloween happy hour drinks afterwards. You’re all about being around your buds, laughing, talking about life, and, of course, finding costumes that look cute together, because #squadgoals. Thought Catalog Logo Mark