
25 Little Things A Guy Will Only Do When He’s Just Not That Into You

Give a vague, non-committal response to when you’ll see him again. (Ex: “I’ll see you soon.”)



1. Ask to meet somewhere, then change the place or back out at the last minute.

2. Act like he’s going in for a kiss, then kiss your cheek in an awkward-friendly type of way.

3. Give you a side-arm or one-arm hug.

4. Make plans with you, but then run 20+ minutes late.

5. Show up totally unprepared for your date. (Ex: Forgetting a wallet, wearing crappy gym shoes to a fancy restaurant, etc.)

6. Not answer your phone call, but reply to a text.

7. Not answer your text, but blow up social media.

8. Act way more interested in his phone than your conversation.

9. Ask you surfacey questions that keep him from knowing anything substantial about your life.

10. Answer in yes/no or short statements so you can’t discover who he really is.

11. Keep his phone hidden and out of your reach.

12. Not pick you up (or even offer), but instead make you drive or meet him somewhere for a date.

13. Give pathetic excuses as to why he can’t see you.

14. Only text you on the weekends or after 10pm.

15. Take a substantial amount of time to text back (sometimes to the point that you wonder if your message ever sent in the first place).

16. Only ask you to hang out when there’s drinking or partying involved.

17. Never ask your opinion or preference for anything that you’re eating or doing together.

18. Say that he’s busy, but then post Snapchats and Instagrams at the bar.

19. Not respond to your messages after he goes out.

20. Say that he ‘likes you,’ but isn’t ‘ready for anything serious.’ Then post a bunch of pictures with girls.

21. Still has his ex-girlfriend somewhere (very near) in the picture.

22. Not make time to see you, even if you know it really wouldn’t be that difficult.

23. Leave the planning of when you’ll see each other up to you. (In other words, if you don’t plan it, it doesn’t happen.)

24. Seem to always have other plans lined up, or is always out and about on the weekends.

25. Give a vague, non-committal response to when you’ll see him again. (Ex: “I’ll see you soon.”) Thought Catalog Logo Mark