Lucy Maude Ellis

I’m Not The Kind Of Girl You Call When You’re Lonely

I’m not the booty call, the girl that’s just here to satisfy your needs or to be a warm body next to yours when the other half of the bed feels cold.


Lucy Maude Ellis
Lucy Maude Ellis

I’m not the kind of girl you keep on the backburner, the one whose number you dial when it’s late at night and there’s no one else to pick up the phone. I’m not the booty call, the girl that’s just here to satisfy your needs or to be a warm body next to yours when the other half of the bed feels cold.

I’m not the kind of girl you reach for when the other options have come up short, when you’re tired of doing things solo or when you’re craving some type of connection and you figure, why not.

I’m not the kind of girl that’s just an option on a list, the girl that you think of only when you’re desperate or when there’s no one else.

I’m not just going to be there when you’re lonely, or be your temporary fix. I’m not into a meaningless sort of connection. I want something real.

This is who I am—a girl who cares, a girl who loves. I want something that matters, something that’s meaningful. I want someone who’s going to see me as theirs and not theirs for the moment.

I have a big heart, a heart I want share.
But I’m not going to give it to someone who will just toss it aside.

I could give you the world; I could care for you better than anyone ever has. But I won’t settle for just being an option. I won’t settle for being the girl you only think about when the sun’s gone down and there’s no one else to call.

I won’t be girl that’s only here when you’re lonely.
Because I want to be the girl that’s your everything.

I want to be the girl that you think about no matter what you’re feeling—when you’re on top of the world or at your lowest. I want to be the girl you call when you’re driving home from work or when you’re just waking up on a Saturday.

I want to be the girl that fills your mind, makes you dizzy with happiness. With love.

I don’t want to be someone that’s a temporary fix; I want to be the reason you feel whole.

I want us to be all in.
And I won’t settle for less than that. Thought Catalog Logo Mark