You Cannot Outrun God
Take comfort in this: No matter where you go, what you do, the mistakes you make, how far you wander off the path, or what you try to wedge between you and God, He will never leave you.

Take comfort in this: No matter where you go, what you do, the mistakes you make, how far you wander off the path, or what you try to wedge between you and God, He will never leave you.
See, God loves you. So incredibly much.
There isn’t a thing you could say, or a sin you could commit that would separate you from His love. His love is unfailing, pure, and never-ending. Isn’t that beautiful?
Even when you are the worst possible Christian, the most terrible parent, or sister, or uncle, or son, or worker, or teacher, or friend, if you ask for forgiveness and turn your back to the sins of your past, He will welcome you into His arms, over and over again.
You cannot outrun God.
This sounds scary at first, like He’s this foreboding father figure that you cannot escape, no matter how hard you try. But that statement isn’t meant to be frightening; it’s meant to be comforting. It’s meant to show you how dedicated God is to His creation, to all of us, to you.
No matter where we try to go, we will never be too far away from God’s love.
He loves you, your neighbor, your brother-in-law, your friend-of-a-friend—all of us—so much, that He won’t allow us to disappear from His presence. There isn’t a place in the world that His love doesn’t reach. There isn’t a crevice in our minds where we can hide that He doesn’t know.
Because He created everything; He created us.
And He wants us to fall into His grace.
Even in your lowest moments, God craves you. He wants you to trust in Him, to give Him those fears, that pain, that hurt, those burdens—and He wants to free you of them.
In this life you will face demons, you will face pain, loss, terror, anxiety, fear. You will have moments when you pull away from God, when you chase your own desires, when you become burdened with your sin and feel unlovable, feel that you have strayed too far from Him to be forgiven.
In those moments, know this: You will never stray too far from God’s forgiveness.
Even in your lowest moments, God craves you. He wants you to trust in Him, to give Him those fears, that pain, that hurt, those burdens—and He wants to free you of them.
He will chase you to the places where you try to run, but sometimes you won’t see Him clearly. That’s because you’ve pulled away from His love. So please, please turn to Him and turn away from the darkness. He will bring you to the light.
You need not feel alone, no matter what sins you have committed. You are never too far from God. Just open your heart to Him, and He will change it, mold it, soften it with His love and forgiveness.
No matter where you wander, you cannot outrun God.
So take comfort in this, and know that you are His sweet child.
And you will never be alone.