You Are More Than A Body


You are cells and synapses, fibers and fascia, brains and biceps.

You are the hands you have held, sweaty and delicate against the creases of your palms. You are the eyes that have made someone else fall in love.

You are the legs that have kicked and the toe nails that have been painted pink and orange and green. You are the strands of hair that fall into your face and you are the wrinkles below your eyelids.

You are the mountains you have climbed, the skinned knees your momma has bandaged, the runny noses you have wiped on the corner of your shirtsleeve, and the mouths you have kissed.

But you are so much more.

You are so much more than a body, created and capable, futile and flawed. You are more than the muscles that line your legs or the fat around your tummy. You are more than the calories burned or the bones that have been broken. You are more than the hands that have touched you, the lips that brushed your collarbone.

You have more to offer this world than your skin and your limbs. Who you are will never be solely defined by your body. You are so much more.

You are the thoughts you have created, the minds you have blessed. You are the feelings you have given others by your words and actions, by your presence.

You are the universes you’ve discovered in the turns and twists of your brain. You are the laughter, the voice that fills the air. You are the memories, the love you have shared, the happiness you have brought to life because of who you are.

This is not because of a body. This is because of a soul. Your soul.

You are more than a body. More than flesh and fingernails, creaks and creases, weight and wrinkles and imperfections that seem to stare back at you in the mirror.

You are more than what you see, even more than what the world sees sometimes. You are a light, an energy, a ray of sunshine. Sol. Soul. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Marisa Donnelly

Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.

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