Marisa Donnelly

14 Reasons Why A Woman Who Is Close With Her Father Will Make The Best Type Of Wife

She understands the complexities of the male mind.


Marisa Donnelly
Marisa Donnelly

1. She understands the complexities of the male mind.

A woman who’s close with her father knows that sometimes men speak, and sometimes men listen. Sometimes men hold everything inside, and sometimes they subtly reveal what’s on their mind. Sometimes they are tough, and sometimes they’re gentle. But in all of that, men care deeply about the things and people that are important to them. And a woman with a strong father-daughter relationship understands these confusing, and often complicated parts of being a man, yet loves them unconditionally.

2. She is comfortable with quiet.

She understands that her father loves his alone time, his reflective fishing time, and his quiet morning jogs. And because she has been a part of these father-daughter routines, she loves and finds solace in silence.

3. She has learned the art of listening.

Her father has been her shoulder—guiding her, consoling her, and listening—thus, she has become more sensitive to listening to others, especially men.

4. She is comfortable doing ‘manly’ things.

A girl that’s close with her father has learned how to change a tire, how to mow a lawn, how to trim the trees, hammer a nail, saw a board, and take apart a machine. She doesn’t believe in stereotypes, and isn’t afraid to do things for herself.

5. She doesn’t mind getting dirty.

She was the kid that caught frogs with her bare hands and played barefoot by the creek. She doesn’t care about scuffing her knees or crawling under a car to change the oil. In fact, she’ll be the one throwing mud at you, or pie-ing you in the face on your birthday.

6. She has a rebellious, jokester side that is the ultimate best.

Oh yeah, she’s the girl that will start a water gun fight with you right when you get home from work, or will prank the hell out of you when you least expect it. Because she was close with her dad, she’s learned how to be silly, how to not take life too seriously, and how to get revenge on you for scaring the sh*t out of her with that plastic spider.

7. She’s strong and strong-minded.

She played sports as a kid, and roughed around with the neighborhood boys—she’s physically strong, but also mentally strong. She’s had her share of father-daughter fights, and can be pretty stubborn, but because she was raised by a kind, yet strong man, she has a good head on her shoulders.

8. She knows how to stand on her own two feet.

Her father helped her become an independent, confident woman. She will love the hell out of you, but she won’t depend on you for every little thing. And she can take care of herself, which will make her an equal, other-half type of marriage partner.

9. She doesn’t have daddy issues, trust issues, or really any type of issues.

Nope, she’s not a problem girl. She may have had her share of heartbreak, but not from her father. So no matter what, she still sees the good in men and trusts them.

10. She’s a quick learner.

She’s watched her father all these years—how he’s fixed the dishwasher or grilled the steaks, trouble-shooted the computer or removed a software virus—so she’s pretty aware and able to pick up on things quickly.

11. She is respectful.

All her life, her father respected everyone he came across, so she lives her life the same way: humbly and honestly.

12. She won’t be afraid to stand up to you.

She may be humble, but you better believe she’ll be straight up with you, and she won’t be afraid to get in your face when you’re being a complete dick. She was never taught to fear men, so she will be the wife that challenges you. And calls you out on your sh*t.

13. She will push you to be a better man.

She has seen an example of a great guy her entire life. She knows what it takes to be a good man, and she’ll push you to be better, to love more deeply, and to improve your marriage every single day. (But don’t worry, she’ll be right by your side, making herself better, too.)

14. She will know how to love you.

She knows how to love a man, knows that it takes patience and forgiveness, stubbornness and fierce loyalty. She knows it means not always having the last word, but not being afraid to get your words out. And she knows that men love differently, and that’s good. Thought Catalog Logo Mark