This Artist Translated Malay Proverbs Into Drawings With An App On His Phone, And They Are Beautiful
"The sea’s depth can be predicted, but no one can know what’s in someone’s heart."
The following are Malay proverbs, adapted by artist Hyrul Anuar into a series of visual images using a Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Each drawing is created layer-by-layer using the ‘Skechbook For Galaxy’ app. And each teaches an important lesson.

1. The sea’s depth can be predicted, but no one can know what’s in someone’s heart.
Laut Dalam Dapat Di Duga, Hati Manusia Siapa Yang Tahu
Lesson: It is difficult to understand what others feel, but one must always try.
2. Like a monkey obtaining a flower.
Monyet Mendapat Bunga
Lesson: If you are filled with conceit, then you will not appreciate what you have been given.

3. Spit into the sky.
Meludah Ke Langit, Akhirnya Muka Sendiri Yang Basah
Lesson: Be cautious of stupid actions, as you will embarrass yourself.

4. Soak in the tears.
Berendam Air Mata
Lesson: Do not be one who is constantly sad.

5. Like dogs fighting over a bone
Seperti Anjing Berebut Tulang
Lesson: Keep yourself from being greedy.

6. Binding the stomach.
Mengikat Perut
Lesson: Save money.

7. Last legs entangling the neck.
Kaki Lepas, Leher Terjerat
Lesson: If you become bad, you will no longer be able to hide from the evils within you.

8. Back stabbing.
Tikam Belakang
Lesson: Be careful who you trust.

9. Like a frog trying to be a cow.
Seperti katak hendak jadi lembu
Lesson: Do not attempt what is beyond your limits.

10. A lot of mouth
Banyak Mulut
Lesson: Do not be one that speaks with loose lips.

11. Not yet with teeth but already able to bite.
Belum Tumbuh Gigi Sudah Pandai Menggigit
Lesson: Until you have power, do not act with force.

12. Eating one’s own heart.
Makan Hati
Lesson: Stay strong, even when you face pain caused by someone else.

13. Biting the hand that feeds you.
Menggigit Tangan Yang Menyuapkan Nasi
Lesson: Always appreciate what others have given you.

14. Carrying the lizard.
Mendukung Biawak Hidup
Lesson: Despite the non-beneficial work you complete, be purposeful in everything you do.

15. A wolf in chicken’s clothing.
Musang Berbulu Ayam
Lesson: Do not try to be anyone but yourself.

Artist’s note: “The proverbs and their deep values represent a period of distress while I was homesick in Italy, unable at first, to blend into the culture and lifestyle of the locals. This series was inspired by a time of darkness; with traditional art expressed through technology, I was able to overcome such adversity.”