Twenty20 / phiasinclair

13 Awesome Things To Do When You’re Single AF On Valentine’s Day

1. Actually make plans.


Twenty20 / phiasinclair
Twenty20 / phiasinclair

1. Actually make plans. Don’t just sit at home feeling sorry for yourself. That’s first of all, LAME. And before you know it, you’ll be curled up with a container of mint chocolate chip ice cream and a cat, bawling at the sad scenes in Titanic…which you could do any night of the week. Feb. 14th is not the night for Netflix-and-cry. Get up. Text your girls. Make some plans.

2. Take advantage of all the singles deals. No, seriously. Places run crazy discounts because they know that singles need some lovin’ today. (Especially bars.) So hit up the 2 for 1 shots with your girls. But don’t make this an I’m-depressed-so-I’m-going-to-drink type of night. Get dressed up and make it a good, tequila shots and dancing to crappy bar music type of night. Hell, who knows, maybe you’ll meet some single guys there and it’ll be the best V-Day yet.

3. Go on a BFF date. And accept the fact that you’ll probably look like you’re in love. (Which you could totally take advantage of, and get Valentine’s couple deals, BTW.) Go to the movies and share a large popcorn, go ice skating at that place you’ve been wanting to go for months, get dinner. Don’t have to sulk in your singleness. Instead appreciate the good people you have around you and spend some time celebrating your friendship.

4. Have a guilt-free girls’ night. You don’t have to make a big production about V-Day. Admit it, you’re still a little butt-hurt you don’t have a boo to share it with. Understandable. So if you don’t feel like getting all dolled up for nothing, take the makeup off, put on the sweats, and have a bummy, no judgment girl’s night complete with wine, junk food, and all your single gal pals.

5. Do something awesome for a fellow single human. You’re single, sure that sucks. But you’re not the only one struggling, right? Instead of feeling like poop all day, do something sweet for a fellow single. Buy your best friend some flowers, send your divorced aunt a sweet card, deliver chocolates to your widowed neighbor. Today isn’t about just you, and it isn’t just about romantic love. Share some love and happiness with other people who may be struggling even more than you today.

6. Volunteer. When’s the last time you volunteered—soup kitchen, food bank, pet shelter? It may have been a while (no judgment). But what better day to give to someone else than the day of love? Sign yourself or a group of friends up to work for a few hours. It’s guaranteed to be meaningful, purposeful, and keep you from thinking about being lonely.

7. Go on a you-date. Maybe you don’t feel like hanging with the crew tonight. That’s okay. (Explain this to your besties so they don’t get offended.) Then spend the day/night taking yourself on a you-date. That means shopping, mani, pedi, spa, massage, bubble bath, movie marathon, wine and pizza, sleeping before 9PM type of day/night. Just spend time relaxing, reconnecting with yourself, and doing exactly what you want.

8. Hang with the fam. Maybe mom and dad aren’t doing anything tonight. Meet up with them after dinner and just talk. They’ll share with you some romantic stories, and you can get hopeful for the future. Don’t make it an I’m-so-pathetic-that-I’m-hanging-with-my-rents type of night, make it fun. Invite your little sis. Invite your cousins. Get some wine. Spend time with the people that will always be there and will always love you, despite your singleness.

9. Be productive as hell. This may or may not be avoiding the topic of V-Day altogether, but who cares? Bury yourself in work, in cleaning your house, in cooking an awesome homemade meal. It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you keep yourself occupied. It might not be the romantic dinner date you thought you’d have tonight, but you’ll get to check things off your list, which is way more accomplishing (and definitely burned more calories).

10. Do something with your single dude friends. You’re not restricted from hanging with the opposite sex today (just don’t use them as your fake-BF). If you can’t get your girlfriends together (or if they’re being too depressing) hang with the guys. Go get beers. Go watch sports. Go start a game of dodgeball, or have them teach you how to play C.O.D. It’s refreshing. It’s not as pathetic as crying on your couch. And remember, they’re just as single as you.

11. Make yourself better. Okay, being single sucks sometimes. Agreed. But here’s the thing, you don’t have to let being solo ruin your day (or your month…or months). Go to the gym, buy some healthy food at the grocery store, or start a productive hobby. Instead of being a sad-blob, do something that improves your mental or physical health. Then you’ll be in a state of confidence, which is way more opposite-sex-attracting.

12. Catch up on your sleep. God, you really need it. So instead of staying up and either a) watching pointless TV shows to drown your emotions, b) toasting to your singleness with copies amounts of vodka lemonades, or c) avidly stalking social media, curl up and go to bed at a reasonable hour. By the time you wake up, V-Day will be over (so will your single blues) and your well-rested body will thank you for the energy boost.

13. Turn off your phone. If you have nowhere to be and no one to eat dinner with, then turn off your damn phone. There’s no point in stalking your ex’s Facebook to see if he’s posted about his new crush, or scanning through the multiple chocolates and flowers on Instagram and wanting to cry. Go for a run. Go take pictures of nature. Go take your friend’s dog for a walk. Whatever you do, get off social media. Who cares about their dumb gifts and plans anyways? (Not this girl.) Thought Catalog Logo Mark