Twenty20 / amyjhumphries

For The College Christian Struggling With Her Faith

I want you to know one thing—you are not alone.


Twenty20 / amyjhumphries
Twenty20 / amyjhumphries

I want you to know one thing—you are not alone.

You are not the only believer in this crazy college world. Not the only one who is fighting the inner battle between going out drinking on a Friday night and attending church on Sunday. You are not the only one that feels lost sometimes, who can’t seem to get it right, who doesn’t really know what she’s doing. Who’s scared.

Being in Christian in college is tough. It’s hard to try to find your place, your steady ground in a world that seems to only care about the latest gossip, biggest party, who’s making out with who, and how good you are at playing Beer Pong.

But here’s the thing: There’s more to life than the wildest Friday night, more to life than how many shots you can throw back, or how well you can ‘turn up.’ There’s more to life than the number of boys you sleep with, or how many friends you have.

It might feel like being popular, fitting in, living the ‘college life’ is important right now, and to some extent it is, but it will never compare to the eternal life you have waiting for you, and the unfailing love you will always have from the man upstairs.

Listen, over these college years you’re going to feel lost. You’re going to be confused. You’re going to hate yourself, doubt your faith, and break down. You’re going to mess up. But in every one of those mistakes, you’re going to get up and pull yourself back on track. You’re going to stay strong in the truths your life has been grounded upon.

It might feel like being popular, fitting in, living the ‘college life’ is important right now, and to some extent it is, but it will never compare to the eternal life you have waiting for you, and the unfailing love you will always have from the man upstairs.

At many points in your college career you’re going to want to go out, and you know what? You’re going to go out. You don’t have to hide to be a Christian. And you’re not going to be a weirdo hermit with a quiet, sheltered life. You are going to experience the world. You are going to laugh and have fun and share drinks and memories and fall in love.

But you know what’s going to be different about you? You’re going to stay true to yourself, your morals, and your faith. You’re going to be the girl that doesn’t sleep around, who controls herself, who keeps herself poised, who loves God, who loves others unconditionally, and who shines God’s grace and teaches others about His never-ending forgiveness.

You will dive into your studies, your sports, your fine arts, your church activities, and your friends. And you will demonstrate your faith in all of these places. You will triumph and you will fail, and in all of this, you will be stronger as a person and in your faith.

You are a college Christian. And you are not alone. You are not the only one who flirts between wanting to live a ‘normal’ life and a believer’s life, who is lonely and scared and unsure and hesitant and doubtful and terrified. But you know the most beautiful thing about God’s love? It’s unconditional and purposeful. So trust in him through these years. Know that he has put you in the place that you’re meant to be, and that he will use you for greatness. Have faith, sweet pea. You’re doing just fine. Thought Catalog Logo Mark