Marisa Donnelly
Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.
14 Crappy Habits You Definitely Need To Break Before Springtime
The 3AM drunk munchies. Enough is enough.
The Ultimate Girl’s Guide To Surviving Super Bowl Sunday With Bae And The Boys
#1: Know what teams are playing.
30 Simple Things You Need To Indulge In Before This Winter Ends
A mug of hot chocolate, complete with fresh mini-marshmallows on top.
15 Tips And A Bunch Of Eye-Opening Questions Guaranteed To Unleash Your Inner Creative
Get a book and dive into it, whatever type of book it is. Really read the words, let them resonate in your skull. Contemplate what they mean, imagine yourself as the character.
This Is How You Will Miss Me
You will miss me as the leaves change
and the swings rest still,
You Broke My Heart, But I Am Forever Thankful
I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with you, but I did. Layer by layer.
20 Super Cheap Valentine’s Day Dates For Couples That Value Romance Over Money
For starters: How about Discount-Movie-Theater-And-Chill?
13 Awesome Things To Do When You’re Single AF On Valentine’s Day
1. Actually make plans.
The Truth About Being A Strong Woman
This is the misconception about strong women: that we are difficult to love.
20 Unexpected Ways Your Daily Life Changes When You’re Suddenly Single Again
Something relatively simple happens, like finding $20, or getting the best parking spot in the lot, or a 25 cent raise, and you can’t wait to share it…but you get a lump in your throat because you just can’t anymore.
This Is The Incredible Power Of Love After Loss
In a single second you can cross a street, you can whisper ‘I love you,’ you can take off in an airplane, you can feel your stomach drop, you can smile, or you can watch someone you love take his last breath.
For The College Christian Struggling With Her Faith
I want you to know one thing—you are not alone.
A Thank You From A Former Student Teacher To Her Cooperating Teacher
You believed in me. Me—in my brand new dress pants and pressed shirt and clean cardigan and matching flats, but a nervous hint in my steps—you trusted me.
6 Beautiful And Crucial Life Lessons You Gain From Taking Care Of Children That Are Not Your Own
You love these little guys. Not because they are your own and you have to, but because it comes naturally. You don’t have to love them, but you do.
I Am Not The Type Of Woman You Can Push Around
This is what you need to know about me: I’ll love the hell out of you. I’ll care for you. But I’ll be damned if you think I’m the woman that will sit silently next to you that will do everything for you, pick up after you, be your mother. That’s not me.
This Is How You Talk To Your Little Sister About Her Body
You teach her that it is not her body that makes her who she is, but her mind, her soul, the way she carries herself, the way she laughs, the way she loves, the way she listens.
10 Tragic Stages Every Girl Goes Through After A Breakup
Stage #1: I’m a boss.
This Is How You Know You Are In A Verbally Abusive Relationship, And How You Save Yourself
You are not the words this person says. Remind yourself of that daily, until you believe it.