girl holding man's hand, happy couple, choose me

Even When I’m So Unlovable, I Still Need You To Choose Me

Because that’s what love is, it’s a choice.


girl holding man's hand, happy couple, choose me

Let’s be honest, no matter how great a relationship is, there will be days when things get difficult. Because no matter how great I am when I’m at my best, I can be pretty unlovable when I’m at my worst. I just hope that you still choose me, regardless of whether or not I’m at my best. Because that’s what love is, it’s a choice. It is choosing to be with someone day after day, even on the bad days. So on the days when you can’t stand to be with me, please choose to be with me still.

Even when I’m unlovable, I still need you to choose me.

Even when I’m jealous and possessive, I still need you to choose me, and all my insecurities.

Even when I’m hateful and mean, I still need you to choose me, and all my weaknesses.

Even when I’m selfish and uncaring, I still need you to choose me, and all my faults.

Even when I’m stubborn and unagreeable, I still need you to choose me, and all my struggles.

Even when I’m needy and clingy, I still need you to choose me, and all my vulnerabilities.

Even when I’m sad and antisocial, I still need you to choose me, and all my demons.

Even when I’m closed off and afraid, I still need you to choose me, and all my fears.

Even when I’m crazy and moody, I still need you to choose me.

Even when you’re trying your best to comfort me, to help me see the light, to love me through the dark times, and I balk at your efforts, roll my eyes, or storm off. I still need you to choose me. When I make it so incredibly difficult to receive your love, that’s when I need it the most. Reach out to me, take my hand, look me in the eyes, and remind me that I’m still your first choice.

Because even on the days when you are so unlovable, and your demons rear their ugly heads and your weaknesses come to the forefront, I will still choose you.

Because love is seeing someone’s flaws and choosing to love them anyways. Love is sticking it out when mistakes are made, and choosing to forgive them anyways. Because that’s what love is, it’s a choice.

It is choosing to be with someone day after day, even on the bad days.

So please, when you say, “I love you” remember that you’re also saying “I choose you.” I choose you on the days when you’re loving and kind and brave and good. And I still choose you on the days when you’re jealous and mean and stubborn and moody. I will always choose you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark