
Please, Never Doubt That I Love You

When life throws obstacles in our path, attempts to distance us and tries its damnedest to convince us we won't make it, please believe that we will and never doubt that I love you.



No matter how crazy things get, never doubt that I love you.

When I am cranky and sick and mean, please never doubt that I love you.

When you are cranky and sick and mean, please never doubt that I love you.

When I’m quiet and reserved, and too ashamed or scared to let you into my thoughts, please never doubt that I love you.

When you need your space and time away from me and moments to breathe, please never doubt that I love you.

When I overthink to the point of insanity and I create problems that don’t exist, please never doubt that I love you.

When our love styles are out of sync and we don’t know how to love the other, please never doubt that I love you.

When we’re out of money and patience, please never doubt that I love you.

When we fight until the middle of the night and we’re yelling and misconstruing each others’ words, please never doubt that I love you.

When life comes in and breaks your heart, please never doubt that I love you.

When life throws obstacles in our path, attempts to distance us and tries its damnedest to convince us we won’t make it, please believe that we will and never doubt that I love you.

When life is darkening our happy life together and the world around feels like it is caving in and you and I are pulling farther away from each other, please never doubt that I love you.

When your memory starts to fade with age and we’re old and gray, our bones drying and brittle, our once smooth skin wrinkly and droopy, please, promise me this: that you will never forget that I love you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark