Live Blog: I’m Breaking Up With My Cheating Boyfriend Via Text Right Now, Here Are Photos Of The Conversation
I’ve been feeling suspicious for quite some time now, and hours ago while doing a little bit of digging, my concerns were justified.
By Mandy Zucker
Typically I’m not the type to air out my dirty laundry but I find sleazeballs worthy of being publicly shamed. I’ve been feeling suspicious for quite some time now, and hours ago while doing a little bit of digging, my concerns were justified. I discovered a photo on Instagram of my (soon to be ex) boyfriend Logan, literally mouth-to-mouth, mid-kiss with a girl who he always flirts with him on social media. So, I’ve decided to call him out and sorry, people, but here’s a spoiler alert: this WILL 100% end with me breaking up with him. He’s allegedly at home and we’ve been texting like normal, so I’m going to begin the conversation now, and we’ll all see together how it plays out.
Jenna is a girl who, for the past several months ‘likes’ and flirtatiously comments everything he posts, and while he did unfollow her (because of my constant complains I assume), she still makes sure to interact with him relentlessly. The photo I saw on Instagram was one that Jenna’s friend posted and tagged her in.
Notice the timestamp, went from immediate response calling me sassy to taking 5 minutes to think of his answer.
I’m actually really curious where this did happen at. It looks like he’s outside, perhaps a backyard? Either way, I expected him to go the lie route. This is predictable, don’t be shocked if he tries to somehow flip this on me. I’m actually really annoyed that he’s lying. I mean, it may be expected, but it’s really hard not to be like you’re a fucking liar right now.
Well here come the lies, folks. When was Big Bullshitter 4 released for the RealLifeStation? Just so you guys know, Logan and Mark see each other every single day. They work together, so if he wanted a controller I’m sure Mark could’ve brought it to him, but that’s beside the point. Just, not even a high quality lie. I feel disrespected that this dick couldn’t even improvise better.
K? This is really testing my patience and this idiot is lucky I’m several miles away. Also worth mentioning: I’m currently in Los Angeles for the holiday weekend, and I think he should consider himself blessed that this happened while I’m away, because otherwise I’d probably be destroying all of his shit.
After dealing with work? He works at Costco, he’s the cart/stocker guy if anyone wants to find him and kick him in the nuts after this. I can’t even deal with this crap, I’m just going to get to the point and call him out.
This idiot is calling 10 times a minute now and I’m making sure to ignore literally every single one of them. (Excuse the Wolverine picture, his name is Logan which is a joke I’ve always made with him.) Would it be illegal to show the picture and or share her Instagram? Normally I wouldn’t involve her but there are several pictures of Logan and I on his social media, so she knows damn well he has a girlfriend, therefor I have no sympathy for this bottom-feeder.
And the calls continue. Like, I’m not going to answer, why are you still trying?
Right now the calls are continuing. No texts, just call after call. I think he’ll catch on soon to the fact that I won’t be listening to his garbage excuses. I’m so aggravated and this sucks to be so far away, because obviously I’d just really like to be around friends right now.
5 missed calls and a voicemail. The voicemail was him angrily informing me that he’s “about to get seriously pissed” because I’m “being immature” about this. Is this real life? Am I living on another planet? You’d think he’d be profusely apologizing, but the voicemail sounded like an irritated, lecturing parent. I’m doing him a favor by not answering because honestly I’d throw out the rulebook and say anything I could to cut deep.
I’m seriously considering taking one of these calls and letting him have it. I have been so loyal to this guy. This is the worst, but also feeling glad to see him scramble and call continuously.
Okay, that’s it. I’m officially going to tear him a new one. Zero patience left.
He’s trying to figure out how he can lie some more, because he’s been typing up this text for a while. I know it’ll only make me feel worse if he had sex or whatever with her, but for some odd reason I’d like to know. Maybe it’ll help with closure or maybe I’m just torturing myself.
Waiting for this response, should be great…
In a way it might hurt to find out but I really also kind of don’t care. I know 100% that I’m done, so might as well put all those nails in the coffin.
Just so you guys and gals know, I’ve been ignoring several phone calls. I think he’s accepting the fact that he won’t be hearing my “voiced” (nervous typo?) anytime soon. As I should’ve known, some shit had been going on in the past. It’s one of those things where I knew, I guess I just didn’t want to know at the time. There’s suspicious and then there’s obvious, and it has been pretty close to the latter at times. I’m not answering, but will be digging deeper to know the whole truth.
Um, was I being “over-the-top” by mentioning getting tested because I’m dead-ass serious. I no longer care about this idiot, I’m just concerned that it’s the weekend and it’s extended by Monday’s holiday, so I’ll have to wait longer to make an appointment. I’m honestly shocked by how moronic he’s being. “Where do we go from here?” WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? I wonder what the weather’s like on whatever planet he’s living on.
IMPORTANT: Damon is Logan’s ex-friend who tried to make a move on me once in person and tried to flirt with me in private messages on Facebook, but because I’m not a cheater I told Logan. Obviously they’re no longer friends and Logan would absolutely hate the idea of me hooking up with his former buddy, which is why I put it out there.
I hope this feels great, Logan. I will be sending him this shortly, so he can see how big of an asshole the world knows he is. I’m so tempted to just give you their IG handles, I want you to see how pathetic and desperate Jenna has been on his posts, and how incredibly fake he’s been, posting “I love my girlfriend” type stuff that would make it seem like he’s not a cheating piece of trash.
Fuck it.
Hi, Logan. Enjoy reading the comments and reflecting on the wonderful final conversation we’ve had. Again, I think I’ve been generous not outing your information to people so you can’t “sue” me for defamation, much less “deformation” of character. However, I can’t guarantee others won’t track you down. Have a lovely life.