Conversations With Dead People: A Medium’s Session With JonBenet Ramsey (Part 4)

Me: Well, usually I’m at a distance, when we do this. But there was definitely a lot of… energy. Towards the end, there. Where it DID feel… different. And it felt.. almost like… “Hey, are we gonna — go back to when you were feeling sorry for me?” But it was like… the longer we talked, the more it felt like, little slips here and there. I think that’s what happened in the public eye, too. Up front, she [Patsy] came across as very sad, very sympathetic, but then… she’d do one thing and people would be like “Why did she say that?” or “Why did she do that?” and then it’s backpedaling and… yeah. So.

We both sort of exhale, attempting to let go of the tension in this past session. It was definitely more than either of us have attempted together.

Me: So I feel like that was… I think that was a good session. I think we got a lot of good stuff. I think it’s going to need to be handled… delicately. For sure.

Amy: It definitely is, and I don’t know how you’re going to do that but… I mean… I have, full, I have in my being… full confidence that we just, had the answer that’s been looked for. I’m not in any way, shape, or form doubting that.

There are obviously a lot of things/people/places we may have come across that we can never name to be safe. But overall, the murder of JonBenet seems clear. She was hit in the head with a lamp by her mother, Patsy, in a fit of rage; she had been sexually abused. Everything else in her murder was staged.

This was an utter tragedy and we wish we could’ve prevented it. But we can’t — all we can do is tell her story.

So here’s your story, Little Miss Christmas. We feel you — we FELT you — and so did so many others. We are SO glad you’re happy, and we hope that telling this story makes you even happier. We all know what it’s like to not feel pretty.

We will all try to be more childlike, more kind, more gentle.

Thank you for speaking with us. I hope you will always be able to play. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

You can follow Amy Venezia on Facebook, Twitter, and inquire about personal readings here.


About the author

M.J. Pack

Horror writer for Creepy Catalog, ESFP, Kylo Ren advocate, Slytherin, sassbasket.

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