Conversations With Dead People: A Medium’s Session With JonBenet Ramsey (Part 1)

The following is purely speculation and in no way should be considered concrete facts unless future evidence proves otherwise.


JonBenet Ramsey is a case that fascinated me from the time I was a child — most likely because I was a child when she died. I remember seeing her face on every tabloid, hearing about her on television. I didn’t really grasp the meaning of her death until I was older but even then it felt fleeting, like I got it but I sort of didn’t.

However, she was often requested on both my Facebook pages as a subject of a conversation. I felt weird about it because she was so young, we’d never done a child before, so much of her family was still alive — but I sat with it until I felt in my heart yes, it was time. We could talk to her.

Amy agreed.


About the author

M.J. Pack

Horror writer for Creepy Catalog, ESFP, Kylo Ren advocate, Slytherin, sassbasket.

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