15 Signs You’re Too Comfortable Being Single


Have you been single for too long you feel like you don’t want or don’t have the urge to change your status sooner? Here are 15 signs you’re too comfortable being single.

1. You don’t mind staying in on a beautiful weekend. You don’t call random people to hang out on a sunny Saturday. You’d rather catch up on your reading or watch your favorite re-runs.

2. You are sincerely happy for your friends’ milestones; engagements, weddings and new babies.

3. You don’t feel uncomfortable when you go out with other couples.

4. When someone asks about your relationship status, you answer honestly without batting an eye, because you don’t see anything embarrassing about being alone in a couple-filled world.

5. You can dine out, watch a movie, or travel all by yourself.

6. When people think something’s wrong with you because you’re still single, you conclude that there’s something wrong with them.

7. Your calendar is always full: vacations, breakfast/lunch/dinner with old friends, movie date with your siblings or friends, seminars and other important activities outside work/school.

8. You forgot how it is to be dating or to be in a relationship. How many times do you need to send them messages? Which decisions do you need to consult with them? Do they need to know where you’re going for lunch and what you’re having?

9. You ignore the sweet nothings you receive in your inbox or phone because you don’t have time for someone you know is not serious or is not showing “potential” for a partner.

10. You are genuinely happy with where you are right now.

11. Your plans may involve settling down, but you’re not pressured on doing it any time soon.

12. You hate the idea of asking someone’s permission if you need to buy something or go somewhere. You come and you go as you please.

13. You enjoy your own company that you don’t feel like you’re missing out on something.

14. You heart goes out to those who are afraid to be alone and wish they’ll someday see the light and embrace singleness.

15. You’re not bitter about your failed relationships anymore. You are actually grateful that it ended. If it didn’t, you wouldn’t be this happy right now.

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Lux Ganzon

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