8 Things That Inevitably Happen When You’ve Been Single Far Too Long

being single for way too long

1. You frequently change your mind about how you feel being single.

It took a while for you to appreciate the freedom that comes along with it. You’ve become this strong, independent woman and you don’t need anyone else. Especially seeing how miserable relationships around you can be. However, the loneliness does take a toll on you now and then and you can’t help but wish you had someone to lie around and watch movies with.

2. You’re completely lost when it comes to flirting.

When a guy tells you how beautiful you are, you immediately contemplate his motives. Flirting is like this impossible math equation you’ve started to think you’ll never figure out.

3. Being the third wheel is without a doubt your favorite thing and you’re quite content with it.

You know you can’t be a hermit all the time, so you tag along with your favorite couple. Before you know it, you’re a master third wheeler.

4. When you do find yourself crushing on someone, your mind slowly spins you into this whirlwind of “what if” scenarios.

Text message conversations give you extreme anxiety because you’re constantly trying to figure out “what he means”. You analyze the shit out of your grammar and punctuation even though it doesn’t matter. When those three dots do finally appear, you feel as if you’re sitting outside in a thunderstorm just waiting to be struck by lightning. We won’t even talk about emoji decisions.

5. You notice that your friends are starting to give up on the thought of you dating someone.

You instantly decline any and all dates. Nope, not happening. He’s probably an asshole who will cheat anyway.

6. You’re steadily rolling your eyes at anything love related.

Scrolling through social media is no longer a habit because of how exasperating it’s become. Everyone’s getting married or pregnant, which is gross and you don’t have time for that.

7. Checking your horoscope is a daily ritual.

You’re beginning to think the stars may be guilty for your singleness. Pisces- ignoring your own happiness because you’re too busy worrying about the happiness of others. You’re too “unselfish”. Scorpio- you’re too pessimistic about relationships. Libra- you don’t think you deserve love. Etc., etc., etc.

8. You discover yourself, which is tremendously rewarding.

Some things need to be done alone. Now that you’ve finally found who you are, you understand that you don’t need anyone else. But… perhaps, you want someone else. Maybe. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Lorin Hawks

fierce, feisty, fun.

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