GROSS: 21 Emergency Medical Technicians Share Disgusting True Tales Of Patients With EXTREMELY Bad Hygiene

12. I’ve had multiple homeless patients whose feet were actively being eaten by maggots.

“EMT here.

I’ve had multiple homeless patients whose feet were actively being eaten by maggots.

One guy whose had a boil on his butt cheek for a while, he ignored it, and only called 911 once the cheek had rotted off.

Seen female patients produce crack pipes, small bottles of liquor, even food items out of their ‘natural pocket’—directly jammed in usually, although one time there was a slice of pizza that included paper plate and the sheet of wax paper, if that counts.

The list goes on.”


13. ‘Hon, that’s not a wound, that’s my nipple.’

“EMT here…last week I had an elderly female who was bed bound and somewhat large (>300lbs). While putting on her 12 lead, I had to lift up her breast. Normally this isn’t a huge deal, but this woman had failed to adequately clean herself and had developed sores and wounds underneath her breast. I noticed a quite large sore, obviously infected with pus oozing out of it, and told her I would try to avoid the sore (as she was quite nervous about the 12 lead). She calmly looks at me and with a straight face says ‘Hon, that’s not a wound, that’s my nipple.’ Wasn’t easy keeping a straight face.”


14. Her underboob smell was so bad that I nearly vomited.

“Obese patient came to ER with chest pain. Naturally, I had to do an EKG. Her underboob smell was so bad that I nearly vomited. Nothing makes me vomit…not even vomit or poop. This was too much, though. To add, the stuff was slimy as hell so that made it even worse.”


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