20 Things You’ll Probably Wish You Didn’t Know About Dead Bodies

3. They can ‘breathe out’…in their voice.

“When moving a body not long after death (in my experience) from lying down to sitting up, they can ‘breathe out’…in their voice.

Tidied up a little old lady who died at the nursing home I used to work for. Doc had confirmed the death and the family were going to come visit before body was taken away so a bed bath, clean nightie, fresh pad put on for poops and made the room look peaceful with crisp, flat sheets. Only resident I had to do this for in the five years I worked there. Worked with an agency guy who, when I sat her up (talking her as I washed and dressed her, habit), she let out a big sigh. Made me jump a little, but I knew it was just the remaining air in her lungs coming out; he freaked out.

More interesting than creepy but a bit odd as someone may have heard their last words as a person as something memorable, I heard this classy lady sigh like I had finally arrived to see her off.”


4. They all wind up with the same expression, which I could only describe as the face one would make upon learning a horrible revelation.

“I dissected cadavers for a university for a while. For some reason, nearly all of them had this certain ominous facial expression which I could only describe as the face one would make upon learning a horrible revelation. Maybe that revelation was simply that they realized they were dying, maybe their expression was one of delusion or pain, maybe it was something completely incomprehensible to those who are living, or maybe it was just the way the facial muscles come to a rest after expiring. I’ll never know, but whatever the case they always had the same face.”


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